Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Well, everyone, today I'm taking part in my very first guest blog post - courtesy of the lovely Rosalie Lario.
So if you want to know about the inspiration behind Going Underground, read a sneak exerpt from the book, find out why the soundtrack and take part in the chance to win your very own Paperback copy, then please head on over...
I look forward to seeing you…
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Added by Suzie Tullett on November 30, 2011 at 6:36pm —
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I am not currently accepting new books for review. If you have already sent a request, I will get back to you as quickly as possible. If I already have your book, I'm working through my list and your review is on the way. I will be accepting books again starting in January 2012.
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Added by Amanda Chambers on November 30, 2011 at 1:22am —
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Hello World, Hello Universe. How the fueling Flesh longs, itching for the Vibrating Touch of Another; a delicate Touch of the Tongue, a Caressing of Grazing by the Hands, an Awakening of the Dreaming Heart. An Electrical Thirst of Positive and Negative Charges; Touches sweet of nectar, of Heated and Hot Skin, of fluttering-rich Emotions. For these are…
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 29, 2011 at 7:03pm —
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Festive Greetings to everyone!
So hard to believe that Christmas is less than a month away and the New Year begins in just a little over a month. Where does the time go?
November has been a busy month for me. Three book-signings, tons of business cards into the hands of interested parties and hopefully future readers of my work. It is always said that 'slow and easy wins the race', well I'm hoping that old adage will prove true with…
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Added by Rusty Blackwood on November 29, 2011 at 6:46pm —
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The dynamic duo of Sant & Lang has struck again. Trestle Press presents:
Severed - Volume 2 - Myths and Legends…
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Added by Sam Lang on November 29, 2011 at 4:30pm —
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Hello World, Hello Universe. When One is Horny; a Body craves the Sexual Friction of Intercourse, namely and especially Orgasm. When One is Lonely; a Heart craves the attention and adoration of Another. The One whom is Able to segregate and separate these TWO does not often suffer their Integration. Because Great Sex is only a…
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 28, 2011 at 1:55pm —
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Since the problems with writing come in all sorts of sizes and types, I decided the best way to find the answers to my problems was to take the subject of error, by the throat, and teach a classs.
I can tell you it worked. Not only did I uncover a multitude of questions I could not answer appropriately, I also retrieved a lot of answers from my students. These students aren't just "run of the mill" folks. They are ex-school teachers, who have retired; musical talent from…
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Added by Thomas J Ault on November 27, 2011 at 9:51pm —
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Well I did it! I entered NaNoWriMo for the very first time, and I succeeded, and I won. Tonight at midnight I validated my novel with 50,168 words. The best thing is, I haven't even finished yet but I am so close to the end I can taste it, and it is sweet!
It has been a long, hard month. My poor baby daughter has become very well-acquainted with her toys and the popular British children's TV channel…
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Added by Catherine Green on November 27, 2011 at 1:57am —
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Added by Rusty Blackwood on November 26, 2011 at 5:41pm —
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Prepare to Venture and Voyage to where No Other AUTHOR&READER have gone Before; 'Sensuality's Hell-Heaven Coin' explores as Experience. Dare-to-be-Different, a FICTION-EROTICA, 12Short Stories of Sensualism; ReDefine the Segregation&Integration of Religion&Sensuality.. A Great READ just in time for the Holidays, an Authorhouse Release. Indulge in a 'Sneak Peek' and get your 'Free Preview'- …
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 26, 2011 at 4:30pm —
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Sometimes people used to say, “Like father, like son.” That was because I was just as arrogant as my father was. I was as short-tempered as my father was. But unlike him, I was an optimistic. He believed in fate while I believed in hard work and luck. He set some rules around my neck but they weren’t too tight for me to choke. I had my space and he never interfered. I finished my graduation and was waiting for a call letter from a company. I was planning to give a surprise at home about my…
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Added by Subhash Chandra Bose on November 26, 2011 at 4:29pm —
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The first time I heard the word 'kounoupi' in Greek, I might not have known what it was, but it sure did sound cute... all cuddly and fluffy and inviting...
So imagine my disappointment when I learned that there's nothing delighful or charming at all when it comes the these creatures; when I learned that their sole remit in life is to do nothing but cause down and out misery.
Oh yes, much to my chagrin, a Kounoupi is, in fact, a buzzing, bloodsucking monster. …
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Added by Suzie Tullett on November 26, 2011 at 9:08am —
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My first book Sensitivity 101 for the Heterosexual Male was re-released by my publisher as Sensitivity 101 the Search for Acceptance back in July 2011. It has since been picked up by a traditional publisher and will be re-issued again in early 2012 under another name and cover. This gave me the opportunity to re-edit and add some new and exciting twists to it. Because of this, the book will only be on Amazon until the first of the…
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Added by Philip Nork on November 26, 2011 at 2:18am —
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When in the 'Royal Flush' of Love; we are Drawn to One who seems So Far, to hold All the 'Aces' of our 'Busted' Heart. 'Time', however, is the 'Dealer'; controlling Both the 'House' and the 'Cards'. We sit down and 'Shuffle', we 'Cut', we 'Draw' a CARD; Game, Set, Match.. …
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 25, 2011 at 9:17pm —
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Hello World, Hello Universe. A Belief-that 'Sex' is a Miracle&Mutiny, and 'Orgasm' allows You&I to experience Heaven&Hell; for the mere minutes&moments we Are there.. Often, no matter the Religion or Faith, our Sexuality&Sensuality are in 'Direct…
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 24, 2011 at 6:00pm —
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Another 'Holiday Season' begins and bells, the 'Holiday Season' beckons. Where 'Work' lines up neatly every list; with laughter and leniency, we All enlist. When 'Time' reminds Us, constantly and consistently, that we Are in-fact Late; as 'It' hurries us along&out the Door. Rampaging our list; 'ROAD RAGE' always arrives…
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 23, 2011 at 3:46pm —
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Another 'Holiday Season' begins and bells, the 'Holiday Season' beckons. Where 'Work' lines up neatly every list; with laughter and leniency, we All enlist. When 'Time' reminds Us, constantly and consistently, that we Are in-fact Late; as 'It' hurries us along&out the Door. Rampaging our list; 'ROAD RAGE' always arrives…
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Added by Stephanie a burton on November 23, 2011 at 3:00am —
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A short sci-fi horror story by Chuck Keyes
County Sheriff Duke Barton unhooked the microphone from the dash mounted radio and spoke into it. "Lucy, please come back on my destination, I was out of the truck fetching a cup of coffee?"…
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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on November 22, 2011 at 11:36pm —
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Look at this face. Do you think she has me wrapped around her precious little finger?
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Added by Mark Miller on November 22, 2011 at 6:51pm —
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