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December 2012 Blog Posts (51)

Mutilated Return



Clouds had overshadowed the glimmering glances of the sun and the nature seemed to prepare a stage for something unusual for it was getting darker and darker with a drizzle making it horrible. Ashraf opened the window to have a glimpse of the Square just a few steps ahead of the main gate. He called his son Amjad to bring home milk and bread for morning tea. “ Dis BicharisTainShungna” his mother pleaded”. (Let the poor kid sleep longer).…


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Added by Mushtaque Basheer Barq on December 29, 2012 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Pre-paid book publishers

Hey everyone, I am just wondering, is it normal to have a book publisher charge you for the full price before they begin to print your books.  We had some books done and they said we had to completely pay up front.  Of course, we now know this was a very bad idea for us.  Lots of problems!!!!  But, I was just wondering if anyone out there has had to do this?  Is this normal?  Is this standard policy in the self published book industry?

Thanks for your comments

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Added by Pat Culler on December 28, 2012 at 6:04pm — 4 Comments

A call to action: shannon harrison via Gods Rehab

 I want to have a event for Survivors of abuse. As I was abused,I know how hard it is to live with Demons that like tormenting . I have been a survivor of abuse for 20yrs now. and not a easy way to  live. I work as a child advocate and have a foundation Gods Rehab for Survivors. But as I went into a school to tell i'm here to help and they said no. That the kids would be bullied ect. but if I was talking about Cancer that would be okay. I recently had a battle with cancer and I do not want…


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Added by shannon harrison on December 28, 2012 at 3:38am — No Comments

S-P and J

By: F. John Surells

Whenever I’ve sought conclusions, I’ve found that by immersing myself amidst all that’s already occurred, I’ve been able to deduce what still should happen. And I’ve learned that self-pity and jealousy are the two greatest sins, and not because of any immediate effects they may cause, after all they’re “inactive” transgressions, but rather because of the often tragic, and sometimes fatal activities they may eventually engender.

And I’ve come to…


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Added by RF Husnik on December 27, 2012 at 4:24pm — No Comments

collabrated pros' and con

you can say you mine:0 addically or you can call oil black. No fussing no let me finish no let me or no one ground will hold me. Every night finish in thought of that day with it all getting away from me. I merely lost what loved dearly. So this is for you mama... Having a little makes you appreciate alot more when you got it. I had to learn from experiance of the young man with nothin to lose... Measure with the limit of air. Staying up from sunset to sunrise. Staill counting time as I…


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Added by Ontay Marquis on December 26, 2012 at 8:12pm — 1 Comment

collabrated pros' and con

added up the change in my pocket, 2 dimes and 15 pennies.

6am and in... up getting ready for my day at being young, black and gangsta but the night before was haunting my thoughts of outside.

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Added by Ontay Marquis on December 26, 2012 at 7:56pm — 1 Comment

New Member

Check out my site at

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Added by Kraig Dafoe on December 23, 2012 at 10:32pm — No Comments

New Kindle Book- David English & the RSO Legacy.

'David English: The RSO Legacy & Bunbury Cricket Club Tails´.

By Stephanie Lynne Thorburn

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Added by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn on December 23, 2012 at 12:28pm — No Comments

New Book, Will He?

My third book will be published soon.  Will He?  This is a Christian Contemporary Mystery.  The setting is Frascati, Italy.  The book is filled with twists and turns.  Truly, a very good read.  Linda

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Added by Linda Heavner Gerald on December 22, 2012 at 9:44pm — 1 Comment

Multilethalead (Octoccata part 8)

Athletics tracks finish line by Petey21)

The eighth and final movement of « Octoccata » is entitled « Multilethalead » and starts on a ostinato-based progression that slowly morphs into a relentless string of offbeat melodies harmonized by an…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 21, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments


Today, I take a step back and allow another writer to share his knowledge and to contribute his words to the sphere of the writing world. Welcome, Paul Rance!

Writers get…


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Added by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on December 21, 2012 at 3:16pm — No Comments

Marimbariation (Octoccata part 7)

"8" on the start of a film reel for the projection » by Ryan Baxter)

« Marimbariation » takes its name from the brief passage featuring the marimba that leads this seventh movement of the « Symphony of Eights. »

Once the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 20, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Progigoriation (Octoccata part 6)

Nixie eight » by L. Marie)

How on Earth can a musical movement be named « Progigoriation » you ask ? Well, obviously, because it's the prog rock variation of another similar movement entitled «…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 19, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments


Hey everyone my dream is just begining thanks with many supports from you and this site. I now write for a local paper if you got a story please do tell, do tell.

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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 19, 2012 at 12:48am — No Comments

Reoctoverture (Octoccata part 5)

behind the eight ball » by eschipul)

The fifth segment of « Octoccata » is entitled « Reoctoverture. » Basically, this section is a reprise of the introduction, hence the name, as it restates the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 18, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Biorhythalead (Octoccata part 4)

House number 8 place de la Concorde » by Tangopaso)

The fourth movement from « Octoccata » is entitled « Biorhythalead. » Its title came about from the markers I used to identify each of the sub-sections of the…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 17, 2012 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Spiritual Blast

I have been involved in the so called 'paranormal' to one degree or another since young.

However, Coming from a strong Christian background has also had an impact on my life and at times seem to contradict what I am supposed to believe and practice or demonstrate. 

Working in The Far East was also a cultural, spiritual and educational influence on my life and experiences.

The words 'psychic' does not go down well with many even today but it simply isn't just about…


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Added by Jonny A on December 17, 2012 at 7:17pm — No Comments

After the first book signing

I had my first book signing at Barnes & Noble November 10th. It was an extremely exciting day for me. Unfortunately, my baby sister was away in Sacramento, Ca, so she was unable to attend. My older sister was originally supposed to come in from Dallas, Tx, but something came up. She couldn't make it either. 

I had my ex husband's support, but he was taking care of our kids, so he didn't attend. 

I posted it all over every social media site to which I have a login. Many of…


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Added by Ebony Iman on December 17, 2012 at 4:19am — 1 Comment

Vibrastinato (Octoccata part 3)

(« Octoccata Freeway » based on Interstate Shield)

« Vibrastinato, » the third movement from « Octoccata, » gets its name from the combination of vibraphone and ostinato, and features an…


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Added by Christopher Stewart on December 16, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments


Whew! After 7 months and 1 week, the rough draft for Black Sun, the sequel to The Age of Apollyon, is finished! I'm gonna take a break for a few days to let my brain recharge, then it's back to the grind. Time to get this beast tweaked and…

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Added by Mark Carver on December 16, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

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