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What Are Writers’ Groups and How Can You Benefit from Them?

Writers’ groups can be small informal groups that meet periodically at one of the author’s homes, or larger more formalized organizations that meet in public places such as the local library or a restaurant. The group may just sit around a coffee table and read each other’s work, or the group may have guest speakers and a formal agenda. In either case, the goal is to provide information and encouragement to advance writers’ careers, whether you are working on your first project or are an… Continue

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Added by on September 25, 2009 at 2:42am — No Comments


This is the cover picture to my newest project.

And the redone first paragraph that I posted in my first blog.

The sun beat down onto the pavement creating ripples to rise from the street, giving the illusion of water. The few clouds that resided in the sky steered clear of the blazing orange ball that dominated the sheer blue sky. The variety of greenery that claimed the side of the road watched aimlessly as a bright yellow…

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Added by Andrew Kunz on September 22, 2009 at 10:33pm — 2 Comments

Poem 2

There's a pulling on my being

a tugging that's unyielding

worry crawling to my heart

a feeling not stopping

a Dictator ready to march

until it conquers all

leaving nothing untouched

a war within myself

a victory not meant for me

Slow breathing can not help

nor reassuring thoughts

only Death can be my savior

from insanity and loss

the pulling is always there

the scraping crawling will not stop

the battle rages

and… Continue

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on September 20, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Very Happy!

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me; I spent most of the morning cleaning my room and listening to my Music, filled out a few more Applications and am just waiting on getting a ride to the next town to hand them in, though I don't see why I'm applying outside of town when I probably won't have transportation to get to and from work every day. Probably should have thought of that before. When I was finished filling them out and cleaning up my room, I hooked up my 360 and played a little Rock… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on September 20, 2009 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Peom 1

I like to watch you
See you walk
especially at me
I want to know I bring you happiness
I want to know if I'm your special someone
because your very soul lights up my world
your body does not matter
just the person you are is amazing
thats why I like to watch
So I can see you resonate
to see you go through the day
and still be your wonderful you
I love you
I always will

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Added by Viviana Arteaga on September 18, 2009 at 7:00am — 1 Comment


Alright, well my Profile was accepted so I can get started putting up some content, not that I've got anything to share really. All of my previous work is already uploaded on my other Website over on FreeWebs. So I figured while I've got nothing of my own work to really share that I'll just do a little blog to keep anyone who's interested updated with what's going on with me. Unfortunately that may or may not work out all too well as there's hardly anything going on with me, but in the future… Continue

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Added by Andrew Kunz on September 17, 2009 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment

How to Self Publish A Book: Publishing, Printing, and Pricing

The publishing world is changing. It's becoming more difficult for first time authors to break in as fewer titles are published by the major publishing houses. Literary agents are reluctant to take on new authors and prefer to concentrate on authors who have been previously published with a successful track record. Are there any options for writers?

Yes. Self publishing is a viable option for many authors. Self publishing means the author has the control of and the responsibility for… Continue

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Added by on September 14, 2009 at 8:16pm — 3 Comments

The Usage of Social Media Sites to Promote Yourself

When a book is in its final stages, the writer that is promoting the book on their own is faced with marketing strategies. Plans need to be thought out how to bring this newly published book to the masses, and one way of doing this that many writers are taking advantage of are the social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, DIGG, MySpace and others.

Twitter is one of the websites that has become extremely popular and is used not only by people that go there to read, but are also able… Continue

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Added by on September 3, 2009 at 4:43am — 2 Comments

Book Promotion and Marketing—Online & Offline

Writing a book is only part of having a successful book, whether it is a book that has been published by a large or small publishing company, a book that is a print on demand which the author is self publishing, or even if it is an electronic book. The other part of a successful book is the book promotion, this means the author will have book signings set up by an agent, or they will need to learn marketing skills for a self published book. Marketing skills are something that is needed even for… Continue

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Added by on September 3, 2009 at 4:40am — No Comments

Agents—Do You Need One?

This is a question that is thought about by many writers, whether they really need literary agent when they are about to close the last chapter on their latest or even first book. First, it is best to understand what the literary agents job function is to know if one is needed, this is a person that is hired by the writer that will attempt to sell the manuscript to a publishing house. This can save the writer having to deal with publishing houses on their own and keep their work from being… Continue

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Added by on August 26, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Quest of Completion

Lost within my own mind

dreaming of the love i am yet to find

seeking and searching for the answers

to why these questions remain.

Am i destined for greatness

or will i die in vain?

My life is the reality,

the reflection…


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Added by Jovan Alphonso Ottey on January 1, 1970 at 12:00am — No Comments

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