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Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!)'s Blog (50)

The Rabbit King

        There once was a newly chosen king over the great United Rabbit Kingdom. This new king was such a smooth talker, he could convince the rabbits that skunk weeds taste like carrots. The liberal rabbit news center worshiped the rabbit king, and every hour they polished his golden crown.

        The king offered change, such as free carrots and cabbage for all the rabbit citizens. The happy citizens loved their new King,…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on August 17, 2011 at 1:22am — No Comments

My Ojective As A Science Fiction Novelist


    My objective as a novelist is to offer the readers enjoyable sci-fi stories that are not over their heads with deliberate uncommon words and concepts that only an Einstein can comprehend. Exciting, easy to read stories, offering everyone much more than just science fiction. I love twisting comedy, love, drama, adventure, horror, action, and mystery into my stories. I truly hope everyone will enjoy reading my stories as much as…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on August 15, 2011 at 4:41am — No Comments

The Fast Growing Reality of Electronic Books and Readers


          What do have here? Obviously electronic books and readers are like the gates of hell opening up for the worldwide book publishers and printers.  For them, their world is rapidly shifting, and if they don't jump on the fast growing e-reader highway, their world is going to end.  Is this a bad thing? Hell no! Every year thirty million trees are used to produce books sold in just the United States. That's more than a thousand times the number of…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on August 11, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

'Chuck's Unique Poetry e-book', Plus read some of my unique poems.

    'Chuck's Unique Poetry' is an extensive assortment of over (130) poems and writes by Chuck Keyes. They cover a wide range of emotional subjects, including: Love, Passion, Sadness, Dark, Sci-fi, Mystery, Comedy, Political, Happiness, and Friendship. Unique and awesome is what they are! Unlike today's jumbled up poetry of rambling, misunderstood verses, Chuck's style is simple and straight to the point.…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on August 3, 2011 at 9:55pm — No Comments

The Rapidly Growing Phenomenon of e-Books


        Electronic Books, the entertaining way to save our beautiful trees, which are one of nature's most amazing gifts. Electronic books and their amazing digital readers are stampeding around the world like billions of Texas cattle, and it's just the beginning. Compared to the new growth of a mighty oak tree, proudly spurting out of the ground; however, this oak tree is technologically energized, and it'll be a thousand feet tall within another year.…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 30, 2011 at 5:02am — 1 Comment

My Upcoming Novel: They!

My Upcoming Novel: They!


    'They!' is an upcoming novel by Chuck Keyes. It's somewhat based on the fifties classic sci-fi movie 'Them!', thus bringing the horrific concept into twenty first century. You'll meet, Katie Ann Morganson, a very unusual teenager who's a champion sharpshooter. She's like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Cinderella combined within one…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Cynella's Gift

Cynella's Gift


     This is an awe-inspiring sci-fi story about a below average man who has scores of personal evils. He’s an insulin-dependent diabetic that drinks too much beer, eats too much junk food, chain smokes cigarettes, indulges in marijuana, and he’s suffering from deep-rooted guilt. Due to his beer guzzling stupidity, Jimmy's young daughter is a comatose patient in a…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:29am — No Comments

My Apollo Trilogy Novels

My Apollo Trilogy Novels:…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

My Objective As A Fiction author


  My objective is to offer readers enjoyable sci-fi stories that are not over their heads with deliberate uncommon words and concepts that only an Einstein can comprehend. Exciting, easy to read stories offering the readers much more than science fiction. I love twisting comedy, love, drama, adventure, horror, action, and mystery into my stories. I truly hope that you will enjoy reading them…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 6:40am — No Comments

The Being Of Sarah

The Being Of Sarah


      This exhilarating sci-fi story is about a lonely private detective that’s hired by a gorgeous woman to locate her father, who supposedly disappeared along with his aircraft, directly after making an emergency landing in an East Texas pasture. This mysterious woman takes Detective Brent Carr on a perilous mindboggling journey that far exceeds his primitive human…


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Added by Chuck Keyes (The Chuck!) on July 28, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

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