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Shannon harrison's Blog (9)


april is child abuse month but i want to put a twist to it..i also want survivors of abuse to know that there is life after abuse~if adult survivors cant be proud about their survival cuz its a daily struggle. how are we to ask our children 2 step up? I may not be able 2 control my body~BUT ONLY GOD CAN CONTROL MY will know why I'M PASSIONATE about this when my book comes out ...go to and join the cause..

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Added by shannon harrison on January 28, 2013 at 9:26am — No Comments


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Added by shannon harrison on January 28, 2013 at 9:14am — No Comments

A call to action: shannon harrison via Gods Rehab

 I want to have a event for Survivors of abuse. As I was abused,I know how hard it is to live with Demons that like tormenting . I have been a survivor of abuse for 20yrs now. and not a easy way to  live. I work as a child advocate and have a foundation Gods Rehab for Survivors. But as I went into a school to tell i'm here to help and they said no. That the kids would be bullied ect. but if I was talking about Cancer that would be okay. I recently had a battle with cancer and I do not want…


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Added by shannon harrison on December 28, 2012 at 3:38am — No Comments


If I feel weakened, annoyed, disturbed or in any way distressed by a thought about another person, it is not the other person who needs to change, it is me. I needed to change the way I thought by dropping the negative thought, for nothing good came out of it. How I think of another person is how I affected my thinking. These thoughts become feelings.…


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Added by shannon harrison on December 14, 2012 at 11:12am — No Comments

Gods Rehab

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Added by shannon harrison on November 24, 2012 at 8:50pm — No Comments

She's the girl that believes that what comes around goes around. The one that hopes for a better day. The one that won't give up on you. She's the girl that's unlike the rest. The one that spent her …

She's the girl that believes that what comes around goes around. The one that hopes for a better day. The one that won't give up on you. She's the girl that's unlike the rest. The one that spent her days smiling, and her nights crying. she's the girl that would love to be loved. The one that looks so damn  strong, but feels so weak. She's the girl that picks herself up every…


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Added by shannon harrison on November 24, 2012 at 8:18pm — No Comments


Do you see the world through troubled eyes? I do see the world with troubled eyes...I can never go back to the innocents I once had. It’s better now as I have learned that the soul I have within me can’t be  lied to so easily as it once could.  I’ve once took things as face value. That love was love and trust was trust. I can’t tell you the day and time that all that became blurred. I guess when you start asking yourself it really doesn’t matter anyway. I often wonder if I would even go back…


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Added by shannon harrison on October 27, 2012 at 8:31am — No Comments

The trauma of abuse is never fully gone from a person's consciousness. Its filthy stain leaves its residue on the soul forever. However, like all bad experiences, it is possible to turn this experien…

The trauma of abuse is never fully gone from a person's consciousness. Its filthy stain leaves its residue on the soul forever. However, like all bad experiences, it is possible to turn this experience into good by developing compassion and empathy for others who have been through this experience. Many people feel that bringing meaning to a traumatic experience is a path to healing. When I turn a negative experience into a…

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Added by shannon harrison on October 24, 2012 at 2:33am — No Comments

MY STORY... I am a daughter, sister, wife and mother. When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a dancer. I was passionate, loving and full of life. But you would never believe that I was also a broken…


I am a daughter, sister, wife and mother. When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a dancer. I was passionate, loving and full of life. But you would never believe that I was also a broken -down, self-loathing destructive girl. I hated God and the world. I did drugs, drank and had a baby at 18. You ask how you can be born with so much purpose, then become so much less? Well I’ll tell you... I was…

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Added by shannon harrison on February 29, 2012 at 7:38am — No Comments

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