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Hey everyone my dream is just begining thanks with many supports from you and this site. I now write for a local paper if you got a story please do tell, do tell.
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 19, 2012 at 12:48am —
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I see a storm coming..
it rages over me,
entices me,
toying and playing with me
I try to break free...
It's hold it to strong.
I surrender and embrace it fully knowing i will suffer..
tension builds....
I ponder..
feeding it angrily.
So much anguish stirs and a calmness swells in my eyes
It trickles downmy left cheek..
I taste its salt.
Alas, the storm with its fierce rage has relaxed as
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on April 6, 2012 at 10:54pm —
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Little girls are made up of many things
glitter..for one,
It's shinny and pretty,
smiles, curtseys and cartwheels.
Little girls are all of that and more!e
Sunshine and rainbows are not even half
of what they are,
they are what makes you, me ,her, she, we, they and them and us
all young ladies
that flourish and grow into
beautiful women...
who are strong, courageous and intelligent beings.
Beneath the solid…
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on April 6, 2012 at 10:42pm —
I like the way you carry youself
l like the way you smile
I like your shine and how you
hold your head up high
I love the way you laugh
i envy your life
I'm so glad it is me
I envy.
For jonathan
Hilary Wreidt Thompson
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 29, 2011 at 10:19pm —
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These prison bars...were not meant for me
not meant for this little girl
I look outside them
in shame and guilt ridden
these prison bars have become me,
engulfed me and deadend me.
Oh, how I long for freedom,
for fresh air
to feel the wind blowing
in my hair
these prison bars.... they
have taken over happiness my hope
my pride and my dreams.
These prison bars
\have also…
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 29, 2011 at 5:23am —
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what else is there to say?
I don't know,
perhaps it is all the collected memories
of the past.
Hilary Wreidt Thompson
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 26, 2011 at 1:27pm —
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I roll them up
when I'm ready to fight
I wipe my nose on them when it has run from crying
Sometimes I use them
even to wipe away the tears
I raise them when I'm hot
Bring them down to my finger tips
when I am cold
These sleeves are useful
covering my scares from
acne, sunburn and the bruises
from abuse
These sleeves are mine,
my protection, my armour
and my barriers.
Hilary Wreidt…
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 26, 2011 at 1:21pm —
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I have hope
Hope to be free of discomfort
To live happily
To have less wants
I hope to laugh more
To be jolly, full of life
My hope is grand
It is a new begining
Hope is all I have.
Hilary Wreidt Thompson
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 24, 2011 at 5:50am —
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From time to time
I think about my childhood
the foster home,
the weekend out with child social worker back then
the Franklin Zoo trips,
the tab soda..I used to drink
the chocolate milk I used to cry for,
my new family
meeting my new brothers
and visiting my new house
the excitement
and the sadness of missing mom
I think of the abuse
of my new mother
the absence of my only…
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 23, 2011 at 2:00pm —
Every summer my mother would have the hard wood floors sanded, buffed and finely polished. Someone I can not recall would remove the sofa. I remember it was by Jennifer furnishings, of light cream color with wide stripes covering its canvas, one stripe darker than the other. The strong wooden desk was moved along with the glass and brass and coffee table set and the small and large potted green plants. The rubber plant, I recall was placed on the back porch off the kitchen's sliding…
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 20, 2011 at 3:05am —
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I shyd away from life at an earl age,
tucked away in a box
hidden far into the back of my
childhood closet
now wanting so badly
to come forward and just holler
"I am here!", alive and not dead
like my beloved father
I miss much
So watch me as I smile
hold my head up a little higher
I am that daughter of a great politician today,
but also a woman with a dynamic force of strength and hope
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 11, 2011 at 12:20am —
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Today I am a newer person than I was yesterday.
We really do only have that single moment that
we are actually in.
Let go of past hurts and upsets,
for they will merely hold one back from
enjoying the present.
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Added by Hilary Wreidt Thompson on December 11, 2011 at 12:05am —
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