Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers's Blog (4)

The Trouble McNasty (An excerpt from "His thoughts, Her Thighs volume 1)

(Sitting in church)…


I really don’t know what’s come over me.  Right now I’m at my

dad’s funeral and I can’t believe that he’s dead.  I’m trying

not to cry right now because I need to be strong.  I am sitting here

with my wife and our 3 children thinking about the day when they will

bury me.  But right now I can’t worry about that.  I can’t show my

children that I’m distraught.  I must…


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Added by on August 30, 2011 at 11:59pm — No Comments

The Sad Reality....

Just pondering because that is what I do....I ponder.  Some people wonder but for me I ponder.  Anyway, I write this to say that the sad reality of reality lately is living other people's reality.  It's sad, in my opinion, because living and breathing someone else's reality keeps you away from who you are.  I mean I'm so guilty of this.  I'm a living, breathing, if reality tv was crack I would be smoking the hell out of it, reality tv watcher. … Continue

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Added by on August 30, 2011 at 4:50pm — 3 Comments

All Muffed Up...

(Still Day 1)... 


I'm crying...wait stop.  I'm not crying...that's just my muffintop.  Sometimes when I have gas, the boiling of my belly sounds like a little girl crying.  Sorry about that.  But now I'm done eating and I'm trying to figure out what the muff to do?  I'm bored.  I'm trying not to go back upstairs and eat another heaping of potatoes but my mind says…


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Added by on June 14, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Adventures of MuffinTop...

Day 1


I've just received the biggest revelation of my life and it's not cute but it is kind of funny.  After all these years of drinking beer and eating whatever I wanted, it's sad to say that it's finally caught up with me.  I have double rolls on my stomach like rolls of tissue.  I am small but yet my belly is hanging.  My tshirts don't quite fit the same and I…


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Added by on June 14, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

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