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Larry A Cochran's Blog (7)

Reconnecting with past learning experiences

I find myself looking back at past learning environments and wondering how much of the learning was my responsibility and how much of it was the institutions. As I re-read my post on blacks failing, I wonder about patterns of delusion that may have been prearranged by the institution.…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on August 1, 2012 at 9:15am — No Comments

Choices: Never isolated, but always connected

The idea that a choice made in isolation will only affect the person making it is only valid if that person was alone in the world and had no established connection to anyone. Choices are very particular for the individual, but interconnected for the whole of society. Choices can never be made in isolation of others. This is so well established an idea that economist had to create a way around it…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 18, 2011 at 5:30am — No Comments

I was asked why young black men are failing and this is my partial reply (Repost of a Note from my Facebook page)

I am reading a book called "Why Boys Fail" and it is actually clearing up some questions I have had for a while. Since I have had experiences with the special education population in various school districts and cities, I am now aware of a trend. Boys make up the majority. And in black neighborhoods this is worst. Now I do believe there are multiple factors and various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, administrators, government, principals, and the…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 9, 2011 at 3:33am — 1 Comment

Justice is Not Equal, It is only Fair

After taking a hard look at the facts surrounding the recent jury verdict, I can see how it is possible to come to a decision of "not guilty". We may be looking at the case and for that matter all cases, from the wrong perspective.

It is plain to see that based on…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 6, 2011 at 4:56am — No Comments

The Media, The Networks, The Journalist

Watching a documentary on Bloomberg television about media mogul Rupert Murdock has revealed a lot. The war of Fox News is not about Liberalism and Conservatism as it may appear. Rupert is a very shrewd business man and he is feared. While there will be casualties among the many who are employed across the Murdock Empire, he will stand as a fierce businessman who knows what he wants and what it takes to get it. There is no doubt that the Murdock Family will continue on far after he is passed…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on July 2, 2011 at 11:56pm — No Comments

Impacting Books for Good Research, Study, or Writing

I will be compiling a list of books that I have used for various stages of research when writing essays, booklets, and white papers.


Finding the right resources to point a writer in a good direction is just as having something to say. As many people are finding out who write non-fiction, our opinion is just that, our opinion, but it helps to have your opinion backed by other so-called experts.


Each post will highlight a different resource, what it was used…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on June 18, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

The Impossibility (The Introduction)

From time to time, I ponder on the ideas surrounding the disproportionism of Black America. Each time I learn a new piece of data from history, I come closer and closer to a self-realization that there are some groups who may have been set to be where they are, when they are set to be there and nothing aside from a miracle would change that position.


Fredrick Douglas once said "Without struggle there is no progress".


So theoretically…


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Added by Larry A Cochran on June 17, 2011 at 4:13am — No Comments

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