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Angels In Disguise (On Kindle)

This is a short story of miracles wrought by angels in disguise who joined forces to save Ola, a youth pastor, minister of the gospel, communicator and an environmentalist who was involved in a fatal auto crash on 4th of October 2002 along Lagos – Ibadan Expressway in the south western region of Nigeria.

It was a day filled with miracles upon miracles that qualify to…


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Added by JUDDIE PASSION on June 15, 2012 at 11:23am — No Comments

My Bookshelf

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Added by JUDDIE PASSION on June 10, 2012 at 10:19am — No Comments

Uncommon Grace: Saved for a Purpose

This is a true story of unusual grace, extraordinary mercy and undiluted faith. It was an uncommon grace, a rare favor, an unexplainable mercy and blessing that transcends human reasoning. It was not an everyday grace and was not for everyone; it was just for a chosen, blessed, special and privileged young man. He…

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Added by JUDDIE PASSION on June 10, 2012 at 8:47am — No Comments

Face To Face With Death

Who goes to the land of the death and comes back alive? Who? And who has fought and defeated Death on many occasions? Anyone that had done these surely has the uncommon grace of God in his life and has been saved for a specific purpose on this realm.

This short story is about the man that went face-to-face with death and won. The story of a man who refused…


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Added by JUDDIE PASSION on June 10, 2012 at 8:42am — 2 Comments

Saved By His Grace

“I have experienced a loss that is devastating to me. It will take time, perhaps years, for me to work through the grief I am having because of this loss. I will cry more than usual for some time. My tears…


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Added by JUDDIE PASSION on June 10, 2012 at 8:24am — 1 Comment

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