Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Written By: George Jennifer and F. John Surells
An Introduction To “Forty Six: You’ll Leave A Legacy Of Peril Part One”
(George Jennifer - mayor of the city)
As readers of this forum know, its submissions are no longer accepted on a regularly published schedule. Only such material as is deemed “dreadfully relevant” or “uncompromisingly entertaining” will appear here from now on. But when I received this two part disclosure from one of our city’s best writers, I knew it had…
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Added by RF Husnik on September 21, 2024 at 3:13pm —
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Written By: F. John Surrells
I’ve learned it’s often easier for writers to end written pieces than begin them. And the truth of that statement lies, I believe, in certain writers’ wishes to distance themselves from all that’s discussed. But it’s a sunny day, and outside the writer reposes - supposes imagination intermingled with memory. And all the players who played a role in an individual’s existence are once again performing on a stage of reminiscence. And the actors perform, and…
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Added by RF Husnik on April 13, 2022 at 7:42pm —
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Written By: Ralph Hawk
As many of you know, as of 8/31/19 I resigned as mayor of our city; and on 9/30/19 I shall return to Parallel Reflections, my native earthly reality. These actions were mandated by the overlords who’ve controlled my basic choices of life here in the Earth One reality of the universe. But I was asked to remain here during September to ‘tie up any ‘loose ends’ I may still have here,” as well as aid our city’s new mayor until he’s “on his feet,” so to speak. And if…
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Added by RF Husnik on September 25, 2019 at 8:33pm —
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Written By: F. John Surells
His spirit still walks amongst the olive trees here. His body is gone, but his challenge to join him and his father lives on.
W used to hide whiskey bottles by the river. Sometimes when he and T argued about how best to live out their remaining days on Earth, he’d sneak down there and imbibe.
My thoughts herein may be confused and random, but at least they’re authentic. And today I think I’ve finally learned what Joseph Same meant when he said “I…
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Added by RF Husnik on November 17, 2018 at 8:33pm —
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Written By: F. John Surells
Alright, I guess that this time I may have gone too far – but maybe not. And anyway, no matter what I say here, those “rule benders” who’ve been sanctioned to say whatever they darn well please will continue to say and write whatever they darn well please. But who gave the “rule benders” a free hand to do, say, and write whatever…
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Added by RF Husnik on April 9, 2016 at 6:30pm —
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Written By: R. F. Husnik
It was another super-duper Tuesday, and of course both the writer’s friends and enemies had previously demanded his “take” on where the political situation in America was “at” just now. So, to answer them, he’d begun by penning a nonsense paragraph which had used all the candidate’s last names in jest. But after he’d read what he’d written, although he’d…
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Added by RF Husnik on March 12, 2016 at 7:04pm —
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Written By: Rashon Leyf
Well, it’s happened. A very sad, but not unexpected event has recently occurred in our city. Kenny Asher, while intoxicated, has driven his girlfriend’s (Lauren Havess) antique car off a north side embankment, and has either died from injuries sustained during the car’s subsequent descent into…
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Added by RF Husnik on December 20, 2014 at 8:40pm —
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Written By: Rashon Leyf
Well, it’s happened. A very sad, but not unexpected event has recently occurred in our city. Kenny Asher, while intoxicated, has driven his girlfriend’s (Lauren Havess) antique car off a north side embankment, and has either died from injuries sustained during the car’s subsequent descent into…
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Added by RF Husnik on December 20, 2014 at 8:40pm —
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Written By: Rashon Leyf
It’s time for me to write about my greatest friend (except of course for my girlfriend
Amber). His name is Ralph Hawk, and there are so many things I could rightfully say about him. Yet, probably the best tribute I can pay him, is to simply say that he’s done (and…
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Added by RF Husnik on December 20, 2014 at 8:13pm —
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Written By: Ralph Hawk
I think most mortals will agree that whenever one begins to do a task, the repetition of which
will now surely become a part of that one’s life for some length of time, that one will “learn”
how to complete that task more easily, and most likely more efficiently with each performance of it.
And that’s certainly been the case…
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Added by RF Husnik on November 17, 2013 at 7:26pm —
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Written By: Pierce Gates and Dana Gerous
PIERCE GATES SPEAKS: First of all, let me apologize for “dragging out” my answer to F.
John Surells “Capturings.” When I said I’d respond to that well-written piece, I had no idea my retort
would necessitate three submissions. And, probably I could, and perhaps should have posted it as
four. Nevertheless, I wish to end with three,…
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Added by RF Husnik on October 20, 2013 at 6:35pm —
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Written By: Pierce Gates
In the first installment of this posting, I promised I’d return and tell, as they say, “the rest of
the story.” Well, here it is, though I fear not many will believe it. Some may think I’m simply
expressing “every man’s dream” here, while others, and especially my ex-wife, may be angered and
embarrassed by this disclosure. And…
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Added by RF Husnik on October 3, 2013 at 4:00pm —
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Written By: Pierce Gates
Recently I promised F. John Surells I’d “answer” his piece entitled “Capturings” if indeed it
was ever published on the internet. Well, here I am, keeping that promise. But I’ve learned that my
answer can’t be crafted as one single entity.
And, I fear it consists of miscellaneous musings, some of which, it shouldn’t…
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Added by RF Husnik on September 15, 2013 at 4:29pm —
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Italian woman, your portrait hangs in my mind as a lantern in a lighthouse. Indeed the
“keeper” should have arrived there in the waning daylight then to “turn on” the great lights which
may have guided seafarers who traversed upon nearby waters as the sun’s supplied light was
removed by night’s expected darkness. But should he have arrived late, through whatever reason,
valid or not, he may have grasped the lantern then to grant…
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Added by RF Husnik on July 25, 2013 at 4:11pm —
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I've always felt that "The Same Tapes" is a very significant book. And though you may not believe this, the fact that it was "produced" by one of our own here - that is, those of us who now live near this city's river - is not my motivating or truthful reason for that opinion.
I simply find it to be a source of solace. But oh, don't take that incorrectly! Certainly it's no Bible, or great…
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Added by RF Husnik on March 13, 2013 at 3:43pm —
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1. THE SAME MAN: Joe introduces himself to us and states some of his philosophies of life.
2. JANE'S INITIAL ANALYSIS: Jane Doer explains how she transposed Joe's taped spoken words to typed prose.
3. INCIDENTS ON A DESERTED RURAL ROAD: Joe speaks of what befell him and a friend years before the other more basic developments related in the book.
4. IMPRESSIONS OF APRIL BEGINNING: Philosophical verbalizations taped…
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Added by RF Husnik on March 13, 2013 at 3:42pm —
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Chapter 2
Written by Jane Doer
Well, the task is completed! I’ve finished typing Joe’s spoken words, needing, as you might
expect, to employ the “rewind” of the tape deck time and time again, simply because I can’t type as
fast as Joe can speak! I corrected whatever errors I found in the…
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Added by RF Husnik on March 13, 2013 at 3:40pm —
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By: F. John Surells
Whenever I’ve sought conclusions, I’ve found that by immersing myself amidst all that’s already occurred, I’ve been able to deduce what still should happen. And I’ve learned that self-pity and jealousy are the two greatest sins, and not because of any immediate effects they may cause, after all they’re “inactive” transgressions, but rather because of the often tragic, and sometimes fatal activities they may eventually engender.
And I’ve come to…
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Added by RF Husnik on December 27, 2012 at 4:24pm —
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It’s almost voting time. So, here’s my vote for those who aren’t concerned with the Joneses, and who don’t
feel they need to follow them. And here’s my endorsement of those who don’t particularly care about how much money
the people down the street possess, or whether those people are seeking some sort of public office, or whether they’re
basically liberal or conservative.
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Added by RF Husnik on October 5, 2012 at 4:13am —
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The greatest thing about my snobbishness is that I’ve always been really real! And my modesty has always overwhelmed almost everyone! And if you thought it was time for me to make personal statements, your wish has been granted. And wherever I’ve been, and whatever I’ve done, has always, in my mind at least, been for the hopeful good of mankind.
But chaos usually follows one wherever one goes, and in whatever one does. Still, in…
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Added by RF Husnik on March 12, 2012 at 5:08pm —
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