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Four of my Romantic Historical Fact Fiction novels published by Books We Love Inc are in a Christmas sale.

To take advantage of the special offers of 25% off which end on the 16th of December please log into and enter the coupon code for each book.


Novels set in the reign of Queen Anne Stuart 1702 – 1714


Tangled Love

Tangled Love is the story of a daughter’s sacred oath to her father, a Jacobite, two great estates, duty, betrayal and passionate love.

Coupon Code  KY66V


Far Beyond Rubies

In 1706 when Gervaise, who has returned from India, sees Juliana for the first time, he recognises her, but not from this lifetime…

Coupon Code  WM68M


The Captain and The Countess.

His heart captured by the Countess, only Captain Howard sees pain behind her fashionable façade and is determined to help her.

Coupon Code.  NR23G


Yvonne, Lady of Cassio

Set in the reign of Edward II

From early childhood, despite those who love Yvonne and want to protect her, she is forced to face difficult economic, personal and political circumstances during a long, often bitter struggle.


Coupon Code  AK88H


Please visit my author page on Books We Love for more information and links to order my novels, or visit my website. All my books are available as e-books from a number of online retailers and in paperback.


5” reviews are on, and and other amazon sites.


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