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Doomsday Of The Lambs
A short sci-fi story by Chuck Keyes
"Frank, is there any other news besides the daily coverage of the great pretender?"
"Nope!," Frank replied while watching his computer monitor jump from one satellite news broadcast station to another. "Every news station is treating the charlatan like the second coming of Jesus Christ!"
Toshiko stared out the space station's portal at the earth. North America is moving into view and she can partially see the beautiful land mass of the United States. "Frank, are the many Birther Dissidents still asking to see a copy of his birth certificate?"
"Yeah, but too many people now believe Ocrista is the true son of God. A savior to unite the earth with unlimited love, freedom, wealth, and health. Thanks to the controlling powers of the global mass media, most people do not believe the son of God requires a birth certificate, nor does he have to offer any proof where he came from. They don't care about his nonexistent past. The only thing they care about is his wonderful empty promises of giving everyone a better life."
"I don't understand it! Why are all these people not questioning Ocrista?" asked Toshiko. "For all we know, he could be an evil alien from another planet who's planning to take control of the earth and enslave everyone."
Frank worriedly shook his head. "People are too damn gullible! They're like sheep being lead to a free supply of benefits to make their lives easier, and that's why they believe all the evil hogwash being spawned by the worldwide mass media. The media can't even offer the true facts about a hurricane. To increase their ratings and fill their pockets with gold, they blow everything up larger than what it is. I like to refer to it as the Chicken Little news media syndrome."
Toshiko deeply sighed. "We believe in God, so why is it we don't believe Ocrista is the second coming? A fully grown child of God!"
"I don't know," voiced Frank. "Maybe it's because we spend most of our spare time watching old television programs."
Toshiko chuckled. "Gilligan's Island, Happy Days, and The Beverly Hillbillies. There's been nothing else to do on this damn space station over the past two years, ever since the space programs lost their worldwide funding. The exploration of space is considered a waste of good technology that can be used to produce products for making life fun and easier. I look down upon the world, imagining all these billions of pathetic people praying to this false savior, and it makes my stomach curdle. From up here, I feel like a spectator, watching humanity slowly disintegrate. Where the hell is everyone's pride and individualism? Is it lost along with everything that once stood for greatness?"
"Toshiko, do you believe what we're looking at maybe the end of humanity, all because everyone wants to ride the easy train of being controlled by the powers that be?" asked Frank with a puzzled expression.
"It was my grandfather who told me, 'never trust anyone who promises too much for too little in return, for he or she speaks with a devils forked tongue."
"Good advice, my dear. I just heard every satellite channel is planning to broadcast Ocrista's sermon on the Mount. He's planning to turn sewerage treated water into red wine, old moldy hay into fresh bread, and he's going to heal a dozen people who have terminal cancer. Although it's pretty damn strange why Ocrista enjoys giving his sermons on a giant stage located on top of an active volcano. You'd think everyone would realize something is wrong with this weird situation."
Toshiko giggled. "Maybe he likes the rotten egg smell drifting out from within Mount St. Helens."
"Possibly." Frank shrugged his broad shoulders. "Or maybe he likes the view."
"What I don't understand is why Ocrista is only going to cure a handful of people, when he supposedly has the heavenly ability to put a worldwide end to cancer with one wave of his blessed hand." She paused to tuck some of her long floating hair back under her hairnet. "Maybe we're better off being up here, slowly floating around the earth while watching old television programs, and making love every few hours. Do you think the mass media uses special effects to create Ocrista's biblical magic shows?"
Frank laughed. "You need to take off your hairnet and let all your long hair enchantingly float above your head. I think it makes you look wickedly sexy."
"No!" She shook her head. "It makes me look like I have a weird Phyllis Diller hairdo, and she somehow created her bizarre hair styles within earth's gravity. Now please answer my question."
"Dear, what the hell do you want me to say? I have no idea how Ocrista performs his modern day Christ-like miracles, but I do know the greatest trick a snappy talking car salesman can do, is to convince the buyer they're not purchasing a car that was once totaled beyond repair."
"There's a lot more to Ocrista than what meets the eye. I think he's gathering the lambs for a massive slaughter."
"He's like a politician from the entrails of hell, who's only objective is to fill his pockets with everyone's hard earned money."
"Similar, but I think Ocrista is a billion times worse than a Chicago mobster politician with a brain belonging to a sociopathic flea. He's masquerading as the son of God, creating biblical illusions via the mass media. I know in my heart he has an evil plan, and it encompasses every man, woman, and child on our planet earth. I wish there's something we can do to warn everyone!"
"I think what we need to do is make passionate love, and after we're done performing our floating sex tango, we can think about what to do to save humanity."
"I'm not kidding around!" snapped Toshiko.
"Honey, there's nothing we can do about this dreadful situation. The Birther Dissidents are having difficulty trying to convince the people that Ocrista was not born on our earth, under a bright north star of Christmas faith, so what in the space station are we going to do to save them?"
"So you're saying is the only thing we can do is watch like helpless children peering out their bedroom windows during a terrible blizzard?"
"No," replied Frank, "we can make love while Ocrista expands his sticky web of deceit. Every time I see him standing on his podium, flowing lies out of his mouth like water from a tainted river of blood, I see him as a giant spider with evil red eyes and two long devilish horns protruding from the top of his head! Now let's please stop thinking about what we can't change and let's make love."
"Sometimes I think you have a one track mind! That's why we're always naked like wild animals."
"My love, it is good being naked. We never have to do laundry in that stupid washing machine the Russian engineers designed." Frank laughed. "Besides, we're the only two people on this abandoned, God forsaken International Space Station, and making passionate love to you five or six times a day is the only enjoyment I have left in my life."
"Are you saying you enjoy making love to me because I'm the only female aboard this space station."
"Hell no! You know I love you with all my heart."
"I'm sorry." Toshiko paused to pucker her bottom lip in thought. "Frank, I know you love me, and I too love you. I'm just so damn frustrated, watching this evil imposter pass himself off as a savior of humanity. Thanks to the b******* from the worldwide media, Ocrista's followers are growing by the millions every minute. Most all the people of the world are like lambs, and they actually believe he's going to organize the entire world population as one global society based on the power of love. He's offering jobs for everyone, along with only a three percent payroll tax, and he's offering free mandatory global health insurance for everybody! If Ocrista was the true son of God, why would he promise the human race these mundane items, which are not considered heavenly gifts. This is like God offering all the dogs of the world free forty-two inch plasma color televisions, but the dogs can only see black and white."
Frank raised his hand while he listened to the med-stream news. "Dear, they just announced that Ocrista plans to fulfill all his promises during today's sermon on the Mount."
"Are you planning to watch Ocrista's sermon?"
"God no!" Frank waved his hands along with a quick shake of his head. "Maybe the worldwide mass media has figured out a way to hypnotize all their viewers."
"When is Ocrista's sermon supposed to commence?"
"Within an hour. Why? Are you going to listen to it?"
"No way in heaven. I'm going to watch his sermon from this portal."
"But you can't see or hear him from the window."
"My point exactly."
"What are you planning to do for the next hour?"
Toshiko offered Frank a loving smile as she removed her magnetic boots, allowing her gorgeous naked body to hover, and then she removed her hairnet. Her long silky black hair slowly raised above her head like a shimmering crown of loving faith.
Frank released the Velcro connected straps holding his naked body to his computer terminal chair. His muscular body drifted over to meet Toshiko's body. They kissed and sexually linked in a floating embrace, rolling, and rhythmically pulsing like one giant beating heart made of human bones, muscle, and flesh. The absence of earthly gravity significantly added to Frank's strength and endurance, offering Toshiko over an hour of multiple blissful quakes within the center of her womanly essence.
After releasing his explosion of manhood, Frank whispered, "Toshiko, you are the only woman who makes my heart beat with endless love."
She giggled. "That's because I'm the only woman aboard this damn space station."
"No." Frank shook his head. "If I could have any woman on the earth, I'd still pick you."
"Oh, that's so sweet, but it's not going to stop you from fulfilling your obligated duty."
"What duty?"
"It's your turn to vacuum up the floating wet spot."
Following Toshiko's visit to the space station's mechanical bathroom, she returned to the portal to stare at earth's beauty. In silence, she continued looking down upon the world she loves and misses very much. Suddenly, she noticed a fiery explosion erupt from Mount Saint Helens. "Frank," she shouted, "You need to come see this!"
"Hold on to your britches."
"Dear, we don't wear any britches. I think Mount Saint Helens has erupted."
"Good, maybe the eruption killed Ocrista."
"My love, I truly doubt if pure evil can be killed so easily," voiced Toshiko.
"Yeah, you're right. The best way to get rid of Ocrista is to deport his ass back to the hell where he came from," Frank sputtered as he floated over next to Toshiko and looked down upon the earth, noticing the mighty orange and red flames are starting to spread over the State of Washington.
"What the hell are we looking at down there?" cried Toshiko. "The fire is rapidly intensifying as if the earth has been soaked in gasoline."
"Dear, there really is no down or up in space."
"I know, but it appears to me like I'm looking down upon the earth."
With bulging eyes of horror, they watched the flames swiftly engulf the entire surface of the earth. Scorching the surface black and lifeless, and the oceans are beginning to rapidly boil. Within their bleeding hearts, they realized the devil has finally won the long battle of good versus evil. Upon what was once the United States of America, there are only three huge squiggly rivers of molten lava, forming the number six hundred and sixty-six.
"Frank, what will become of us?" asked Toshiko with tears flowing from her golden brown eyes.
Frank wrapped his trembling arm around Toshiko "I don't know."
"Look, we're moving."
"Yes, we are! We're moving away from the earth."
"Maybe the evil force of planetary destruction is pushing us away like a drifting sailboat."
"That, my love, is impossible. There is no wind in space."
The speed of the International Space Station rapidly increased. Frank tightly hugged Toshiko, and within ten seconds, they fell into unconsciousness.
Frank and Toshiko woke up, lying on the floor of the space station. The first thing they noticed is the weight of gravity pushing upon their naked bodies. Frank stood up on wobbly legs. After a long moment of steadying himself, he helped Toshiko to stand. They noticed flicking bright sunlight passing in through the space station's portals, each round portal is partially covered with green vegetation. Frank helped Toshiko to walk through the innards of the large station. They reached a big oblong hatchway and Frank pressed the controls to unlock it. After swinging the hatch open, they stepped out upon a new world, into a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers and trees abundant with various types of fruit, similar to the vegetation found on earth. Overhead there are twin suns, offering this earth-like world the gift of life. They can see and hear beautiful birds singing and flying to and fro from the treetops. Beyond the garden is a wondrous waterfall flowing over a tall cliff.
"Frank, where are we?"
Frank shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have a clue. The space station was not designed to fly us through the universe like Star Trek's Starship Enterprise."
Toshiko giggled as she nakedly danced around upon the soft green grass amongst the colorful flowers. "Captain's log, star-date zero, I think we were delivered to this wonderful planet by a super being."
"Toshiko, are you referring to this super being as being our God?"
"Who else could've carried us here within the space station? Obviously, Ocrista was the devil, passing himself as a savior of humanity; however, his real objective was the obliteration of the human race. We just witnessed the doomsday of the lambs. If everyone had listened to the Birther Dissidents' warnings, instead of looking for free handouts to make their lives easier, then they could've stood up against Ocrista with a unity of love and pride. They ignored everything their brave forefathers had passed down to them. Ocrista promised them what they wanted to hear, but in return he took all their souls."
"Yes, I do believe it was the hand of God who delivered us here," said Frank as he wrapped his arms around Toshiko's naked body."
"Oh, Frank, how can you think of sex at a time like this?"
"Honey, we have a whole new world to populate, so we may as well get started now." He gave Toshiko a tongue waltzing kiss. "Dear."
"If a talking snake tries to convince you to feed me a red fruit resembling an apple, please tell him to go straight to hell without passing go and collecting his two hundred dollars."
The end!
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