Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hey all!
As professional writers, we must adhere to certain very stringent rules and regulations in the executing of our story telling. We all know that our proofers and editors are the ones that catch the ubiquitous abherrent errors, but it behooves us to become our own proofers and editors before we submit our work for publication.
Blogging is a great way to get your work out there, to garner interest, but keeping in tune with the standards for submission is a very neccesary concern. I highly recommend The Chicago Manual of Style as a must to any writer's library.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that we are writers, and write we must. Whether it be fiction or history or philosophy or sociology or any combination of any of the "ologys", write on.
A final note I must add; read, and read profusely. One can never read enough if one professes to be a writer. It is almost an oath to the writer's cread: If there is no reading, there is no writing.
Green Verbs

My best,

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