Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
“I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!”
I wish I could see this done more often.
I didn't need too much time to figure out how this relates to writing. Teamwork. Specifically, support groups in the form of: writers' critique groups, the Posse, and author groups.
Critique Groups
I've blogged about these in the past and I've been enjoying a group in a nearby town. The group has about a dozen members, most of whom show up on a regular basis. I really enjoy this group because they're intelligent, knowledgeable about various topics, and have an insight into the craft of writing.
When we read for critique groups, what response are we wanting? “Awesome story, Bob, I've never heard anything better. Don't change a thing.” Well, sure what else would we be wanting? (Unless your name isn't Bob, of course).
No, most of us want ways to improve the story. “Tell me what's wrong with this piece.” I want to be told the story is good, but I also want a discussion about writing, the mistakes made, and how to avoid them.
I enjoy this critique group more than any other I've joined. It stays focused on writing, most people read every week, and none of the critiques devolve into personality disputes. I’m associating with published writers, newspaper columnists, and beginners. There is a wide range of viewpoints and opinions. And every single writers receives compliments and encouragements to continue.
Davenport Writes
I joined this crazy group earlier this year. It's a group of local authors who share marketing ideas and attend events together. Most of the group is self-published which is fine. Some of the ideas they discuss don't relate to me since I went through a publisher, but other ideas do.
Author Groups
I was involved with three author groups and received emails whenever a new topic and its subsequent responses are posted. I'm part of Writers on Facebook group and will receive blog news, book promotions, etc. I've contributed every now and then, and it's interesting to see what others are doing.
I'm also part of in-house author groups for Oak Tree. Again, we're sharing ideas about different marketing techniques. Sometimes the posting turn into a chat session between two or three participants but I think this is a good way of sharing what may or may not work or what unique thing someone has tried.
You can't be an island out there hoping to go it alone. Join a group. Share. Show your fellow writers just how crazy you are, because most likely, they're as crazy or crazier than you.
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