Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

'Amazon- Axis Mundi'.

'Amazon - Axis Mundi'.

'Amazon's Axis Mundi'-




Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's spring Authors blog.

- Art & Prose Copyright 'Labour of love works', 2019. x

This blog forms a simple message of thanksgiving to the Amazon Kindle team.

Thank you for continuing to encourage & inspire.  Thank you for believing in my creative works. I appreciate the fact that Amazon have seen potential in my labours of love books.  Thank you for reaching out reciprocally to me...  I have reached the Crossroads.

Key concepts: 

Development of the Amazon author's community,

#ConsciousCreativity #SustainableCreativity #KindleSmile. x

Building a Kinder Kindle Community.

In the future, I hope to continue to nurture my creative work in partnership with Amazon & the Amazon community on the basis of a shared ethos of commitment to literacy.  Each creative project is sewn like a mutable human tapestry, reaching out to hearts & minds...

~  Each Amazon author, each book the seed within a flower of life, not yet seen, a promise unfulfilled.  Creative authors & artists need to build a stronger community to secure a better future for the written word.  We need to ensure greater respect of author's abilities, dedication and diligence.  In future, author's need to earn a minimum wage for their labour, interacting with their readers, without judgement.  Author's work should hold intrinsic value that speaks beyond star ratings or divergent reviews. 


Delivering 'the word'...

My next title contains a reflexive open letter with constructive evaluation.  I possess hope that it may be possible to utilise modern technologies to build a more supportive, kinder, more empathetic environment for kindred creative spirits in the near future... Fiction or non-fiction, each creative work should be of equal value; with authors not needing to 'advertise' their own creative output.  Interactive journals, Kindle newsletter & industry news on new titles should all assist in supporting author's daily working lives.

* Many of my future publications will be supporting Gaea Earth webs

& Humanitarian Healing webs. 

Every book will resonate with Mother Earth's & Amazon's raw talent!  All books will feature Kindle Smile, support fellow authors, support Amazon's mission and promote the emancipating spirit of literacy.

Amazon- An Axis Mundi?

Image: Kindle Fire! x


The Amazon is consciously creative, in every nuance.  The Amazon environment is fecund with seeds, flowers and sustained by the roots of tree of life.  The eco- system is precariously balanced, with each organism interdependent on the patronage of the next.  The native resources of the Amazon are analogous with the potential transformative power of the Amazon Kindle community.  The harmony, health & happiness of the Amazon requires a more sustainable approach, obtainable by winning the battle of hearts & minds.


'Survival of the fittest?' #

The literary environment needs to become more inclusive, reaching out to all its incumbents to create a more sustainable future for independent publishing. The living environment for autonomous writers needs not be an epic life- journey any longer based upon the 'survival of the fittest'.  Vulnerable small press should not be potential prey for predators with large mouths & jaws waiting to bite with egotistical abandon. Let us restore Amazon to a more meritocratic 'Garden of Eden'.  The fruits of the loom (and any subsidiary fund ) should be shared equally by all faithful contributors. 


Realising the Great Work.

- All authors have the ability to generate the 'great work'- the work of transformation to restore the balance of positive & negative energies in the modern publishing industry.


Sustainable Creativity.


#Consciouscreativity is the hashtag for a social networking initiative, articulated through Stephanie Lynne ‘s Humanitarian Healing web, in support of health disabled writer & artists.

Consciouscreativity is related to the concept of Sustainable Creativity.

At this time, it is extremely difficult for those who work in creative professions to even achieve a subsistence wage to live.  Further, writers & artists can take steps to minimise their ‘carbon footprint’ through the Kindle platform- seeking to live and produce labour of love work in a manner that sustains their needs, at no cost to the environment. 


Consciouscreativity involves the evolution of new ethical values.  To manifest positive changes in the publishing industry requires a change first in cultural expectations… 


Amazon Kindle dignify the opportunity to publish independently, however, not many readers will purchase books even for a few pennies in the modern technological age.  Being a disabled writer or artist is frequently isolating, with little reward for contribution to literacy. We need to raise awareness in the publishing industry of the barriers authors now face.  A positive incremental change is needed to recognise the potential of creative talent, with particular support focused on those with special needs. Let us re-build a stronger infra-structure upon which we may reside.


*Please continue to support the future of creative literacy.  Authors should not be rendered invisible, with the value of ‘the word’ increasingly diminished. 


#Support fellow authors & artists through practical, positive thoughts endorsed by affirmative actions.


Reading and writing is a domain of indulgence of primal passions, validating collective hopes, fears and desires.  Let us make the literacy community a safe environment, cherishing those who have created the sustenance- the authors!

Let us enable Amazon to become the 'Axis Mundi'- a Rosetta Stone, a protagonist acting as a conduit between the material world and the realms of the heavens- the fictional domain... 

An Eden nurturing allied creative minds.

Namaste. Stephanie, May 2019. x



Stephanie's C.V. & Kindle titles: -

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Author's Labour of Love page.

Recent eBooks include:  ''Mother Earth's Beatitudes"- #ConsciousCreativity

"Divine Harmonics- Kriya Healing Arts". +

All works are multi-genred, focused on music & spirit healing arts.


Special thanks you to: 

David English, Bill Wyman, James Williamson, Brian Ray, Tony Fox Sales for input & support on my music book titles.  x

Thanks to friends Gaynor Dore, Louie Andes, Janet Bruce, Chas Ferry & many more for daily positive encouragement on social networking... 


Image:  Nintu- Matriarch of Mother Earth.

Recommended Links:



National Literacy Trust (UK)

Literacy Trust United Kingdom

(Supporting disadvantaged children in local communities).



Rainforest Foundation-UK, International

Rainforest Foundation-

Protecting ancestral land rights, tackling deforestation internationally.



Kindle Smile Charity Initiative.

There are now some 2,000 charities registered on Amazon UK alone. Charitable causes include-

British Red Cross, Cancer Research UK, Save the Children, RSPCA.


Work in progress-

Development of Gaea Earth Webs & Humanitarian Healing webs.

Stephanie. x

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