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Where were they she thought, the voices, they were supposed to join me after breakfast. Something small flying about near the ceiling high above caught her eye, she’d not expected to see flies in a place like this. She fixed her gaze on it there was something strange about it, that shimmer... As it got bigger and came slowly closer Delia was horrified to see it was a frightened looking human, mouth open wide and dressed much the same as she was coming head first towards her arms outstretched.
Delia stepped back as he or she let out a yell and crashed onto the floor. She got to her feet dusting herself and stood looking back at Delia for a moment as if summing her up.
Then the stranger whom Delia took to be about her own age thrust out her hand, ‘my name is Fourth’ she said with a smile, ‘I have been sent to fetch you. Sorry about my landing, haven’t quite got the hang of it yet. Well not in this world anyway. Will you come with me?’
Delia was taken aback at the beauty of this person or whatever it was. Her eyes were a very dark green and she had long black hair tied back at the nape of her neck, some strands had gotten loose and stuck out from under her hat. She wore a wide brimmed black hat which came to a peak at the top. Her smile was beautiful she had a mouth full of white even teeth. Her manner was open and friendly and put Delia at her ease.
‘How’ asked Delia coming back to her senses?
‘Oh I shall walk with you everywhere until you learn. You’ll not be called Delia here but you shall be known as Fifth.’ The stranger called Fourth led her towards an open door way. Delia followed.
‘What do you mean I’ll learn? Learn what? Where am I and who are you people or…’
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