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Hey guys, whats up, take a look at my new poem

Angel Poop
Written by Kenny Thurman
Angel poop flies through the air
From over here to over there
I see it scattered in your hair
When I found out it was a bear
Sing’n at the fair
I screamed and let out a blare
When I looked at it and said, “It was just plain rare
For a bear.”
I glared and I stared
More angel poop went flying through the air
I let out a scream when it got in my hair
And I again saw the bear
It is just plain rare isn’t
I looked back at the fair
It was a delusion of me being spared
This poem makes no sense at all
When I started to ball
I crawled and hauled
When snow started to glow and I said, “Pretty angel poop.”

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