Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

About 6 months ago I had a caller, Katherine LaHart, on my blogtalk radio show The G-ZONE call in and suggest that I do a collaboration. Personally I was floored; really, this was the last thing that I thought anybody would ask me that day. I sure didn’t wake up with that thought on my mind. Since then we, various authors and Trestle Press, have produced 22 installments of the series covering just about every genre possible except romance. Let’s face it, with names like Harry Balls, Peter Bater, Black Bart, and well me, romance does not come to mind.

One choice that was made right from the beginning was that we were going to try to use the same characters throughout the stories, keeping a constant thread, so that there is a consistency to them, a feel that you could have a familiarity with the material no matter what installment you pick up in the series. We wanted to make sure that jumping around is not an issue and would not hinder your reading experience. One other key element we wanted to have was to make sure that the story would have a flow, a balance, so it did not appear as if one author was trying to upstage another.

All the authors that have contributed thus far have had one last key thought in mind, you the reader. Are we delivering a really good readable story? We think that the results have spoken for themselves. The majority of the stories have sold very well, having charted on Amazon Kindle’s Top 100 in their category time and time again; for that we thank you!

Now for the good part: for the rest of this month we will be offering two things:

*** One is that we will be offering 6 of the titles for free, one for each month we have been doing this, yours to enjoy, no questions asked!!

You can ask any Trestle Press author for them and, BOOM. They are yours, no muss, and no fuss, please enjoy them!

Here is the list of titles from The Author’s Lab/ Collaboration series:

“Who Whacked the Blogger”- Benjamin Sobieck- the birth of Maynard Soloman

“Hotel Beaumont” –B.R. Stateham-Hard-boiled noir

“Thad and The G-Man’s Most Awesome Adventure” –Thad Brown-adventure/suspense/humor

“Bring Us Your Living …Now!’ – H.R. Toye- straight up horror

“A Prince in Trenton,Seriously”- Mark Miller- an all ages tale- everybody from 2 to 200 can read this!!

“Dueling Microphones”- Rose A. Valenta - Humor 

***Second- if you purchase ANY Trestle Press title we will double your pleasure by sending you a second free story (of same or equal value). All you need to do is contact me or the author of the title purchased and send your proof of purchase from Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble Nook. Pretty simple and straight up: we just want you to enjoy them as much as we have.

My email is

Please support these authors; enjoy a good read, and maybe discover what happens when you mix hard work, inspiration and of course, surprise, to the mix.

Check out the newest releases from Trestle Press: April Pohren ”Welcome to the Land of Insanity” , Angelique LaFontaine & Eddie Frantom ”Thirty -1: Salvation”, B.R. Stateham ”Insatiable” from the “Drunk on the Moon” series by Paul D. Brazill, David Hoof ”Sharpshooter”, Karen Anna Vogel “The Amish Knitting Circle”, Lisa Taylor “Shana Black: The Invention” , Mark Cooper “Infection” ,Mark Cooper “How I met Your Mother: First Date”, De Miller “12 Steps” volume 2 of the “One” series by Mark Miller, Sam Lang “Reprisal: Shadow Boxing” volume 3, Michelle Vasquez “’Til Death Do Us Part”, Darren Sant ”Community Spirit” volume 2 of “The Tales of the Longcroft Estates”, J.E. Seymour “Pale Horse”, Tom Sumner “All I wanted was a Haircut #5”, Jeffrey Martin & Giovanni Gelati from The Author’s Lab/Collaboration series “Forsaken”, CQ Scafidi “Time Couriers” (Barnes & Noble’s Nook version), Darren Sant “Flashes of Revenge”,S.L. Schmidtz “Mina’s Daughter…The Harker Chronicles, Vol.1”, Chantal Boudreau “Weird,Wicked & Wonderful: Technopathy ,Volume 2”, Werner Lind & Giovanni Gelati from The Author’s Lab/Collaboration series “Mrs. G’s Vampires” , Sam Lang & Giovanni Gelati “Two John’s” from The Author’s Lab/Collaboration series.          

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