Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

This morning I'm awakened early by this week's featured author. It's one of my friends from the weekly writers' group I attend in Knoxville. Into the transporter we go and I set the destination controls and before we take off, she pushes a button on the side of the console, one I've never seen before.

Soon we're in Nashville, at the Grand Ol' Opry. But not just at the Opry, but the Opry as it celebrates 75 years. The year is 2000. Who knew the transporter could travel in time. (I begin to wonder if the dealer sold be an old TARDIS...)

I look at the musician scheduled to perform and they run the gamut from Barbara Mandrell to Garth Brooks, from Loretta Lynn to Vince Gil.

Anyway, on with the interview while I try to figure out if getting back to 2014 will be as easy as getting to 2000. Or maybe I should first find a few companies in which to invest...

1. Who are you and what make you the most fascinating person in your city?

I’m Kathryn Daugherty, an author who has written short stories and published one contemporary woman’s fiction novel A Case of Hearts. In my real life I’m married to a talented, generous, kindhearted man. He is my soul mate and is the basis for all my heroes in my fiction and otherwise. I’m a mother of five, two that are my natural children, three that are my children by choice. There are four handsome boys and one beautiful daughter. I’m a Grandmother of seven, six beautiful girls and one handsome boy. We have a German Wirehair pointer that is our only child living at home at this time of our life. We live on the Des Moines River and have the blessing of enjoying the beauty the area has to offer. Wildlife, eagles, the season’s change in the trees and fields. Living a life of peace and comfort.

2. Without revealing a deep dark secret(unless you want to), what one thing would people be surprised to learn about you?

I don’t wish to reveal secrets, 'cause they're secrets. I will say I do have a deep side, and a fun side. I love classic country music from the 70’s and 80’s. My favorites, George Strait, my husband's and my favorite song to dance to is “Amarillo by Morning”. Of course Garth Brooks, (Unanswered Prayers). Reba McIntire, (The Greatest Man I Never Knew). Country music is an inspiration for LOVE.

3. What interested you to become a writer rather than something else such as a rocket scientist?

Writing has been a lifelong passion, letters, journals, diaries. I’ve played around writing short stories and a few novels started and never finished in the bottom of desk drawers for several years. Didn’t get serious until 2005. Up until then I had worked in many careers. I think one time I figured up how many jobs I’d had in my working career and it was over 30 different positions. My favorite career is author. As far as a rocket scientist math and science, not so much, would be a terrible fit.

4. Writers are readers. With which authors would you enjoy sharing dinner? Why?

I’ve been fortunate to share a meal with several of my favorite authors. The author of this blog being one, Stephen Brayton. Others include Lee Collins, Helen Boertje, Michael Van Netta, Carol Reed, Larry and Marilyn Brown, Charlotte Shivvers, Teresa and Bob Tallman, Katherine Hinkson, Jacque Leigh, Darlene Miller, Natalie Ogbourne, Robert Hutzell, Ashley Lovell, Cassie Den Hartog. All of the above are writers in the Marion County Writers Workshop. Eating and meeting with this group gives us all a sense of community. Writing is a solitary profession; meeting weekly with this group of writers is a breath of inspiration. Helping each other become better writers, an opportunity to make a difference. Other writers that I’ve enjoyed meeting with include, Wendy and Charles Siefken, Mike Daugherty, (no relation), Grace Augustine, so many writers encouraging writers.

5. If were stranded on a deserted island or suffering from a four hour layover at the airport, why would your book be great company?

My story “A Case of Hearts” is a story or Family, Friendship, and of course LOVE. My characters could be the neighbor next door, the shop owner down the street, or someone in your family. I’ll let a few of my review comments from the readers speak for the book. “Combination of romance and law,” “hope, faith and real life emotion,” “research makes story real,” “characters we care about” “romance without being graphic,” “book you can’t put down,” “touches on concept of doing what is right and caring about others,” “characters are engaging.” This makes “A Case of Hearts” great company.

6. Share your process of writing in regards to: plot and character development, story outline, research (do you Google or visit places/people, or make it up on the spot), writing schedule, editing and number of rewrites.

My story “A Case of Hearts” was started as a short story. The story grew out of my imagination When it came to the legal aspects of the story I wanted it to be right. I contacted a friend, Laura Folkerts. Laura is an attorney and she graciously went through what I wrote of my legal proceedings. She corrected glaring errors and advised me of the proper procedures. She helped me make the legal part of my story real.

The novel I’m working on is set in Weeping Water, Nebraska. I’m making a trip in the near future to check out the community. I also have flashbacks to 1969, years I do remember. The story also has information about Vietnam so I’m doing extensive research to make sure I have the information correct.

In regard to character development, I want my characters to be real people so I observe and hope to capture genuine qualities of human nature. I outline to a point, then let the story develop at its own pace. I edit as I go mostly going back over each chapter several times. When I wrote “A Case of Hearts” it took over four years to write. The stack of paper in my rewrites stands three feet tall. Yes I do a lot of rewrites.

7. “I think I have a good idea for a story, but I don’t know where or how to begin. Your process may not work for me. Any Advice?”

My advice for someone who wants to write is to begin. Put the pen to paper and tell your story. Take classes on development and structure but tell the story you have to write.

8. I saw an amusing T-shirt the other day which read, “Every great idea I have gets me in trouble.” What is your philosophy of life?

I believe we all have a purpose and we must pursue our dreams. I believe pennies we find on the street or in odd places come from the angels. I believe that LOVE is the answer to many questions. I believe we must all “Remember Who We Are” when we leave home.

9. Please tell me you’re not going to stop writing? What’s next for you?

My next story is a parallel story of a thirty-something and a sixty-something woman who meet on a plane and find their lives intertwined. The past comes to haunt and preserve their future. The working title: “She Promised Her Heart”.

10. Where can people find more information on you and your projects?

My website is you will find short stories and my blog “Thoughts from My Window on the River”.

A Case of Hearts can be purchased at Amazon,

Barnes and Noble online or her website or by visiting

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