Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hey, Everyone!

I am a writer at heart. I have written books, and stories since I was little(age of 4). I enjoy writting and have decieded to seriuosly work on getting published. Feel free to leave any stories of your own, and tips as well.

New to publishing so one question is simply... What's the best way to get a legitimate publishing deal?

How long does it generally take?

How much success have you all had with getting published, and or self-publishing?

Views: 37

Comment by Sandra Kitchen on November 2, 2009 at 1:52pm
Hi Tammy, one of the easiest ways to fine a traditional publisher is to have an agent, this is someone that will know what publishers are looking for and will accept new writers. The best thing to do is research, both agents, how publishing works, including query letters.

Self publishing of course is different, however one of the things that goes along with paying to have the book published is promoting it.

Your post might get more answers if you placed it in the forum instead of in the blog section of the site. Good luck with your writing!
Comment by Joe Jenney on November 3, 2009 at 10:08pm
If you're young and have a long writing and publishing future ahead get an agent. Agents have a professional association. Googling agents should locate it for you. You will find instructions and lists of agents accepting new clients. A successful author I met told me you have to be persistent. Sending querys to 20 or 30 agents may be necessary before you find one that will take you. If you don't have luck then self publish until you get a "platform", i.e. a following.


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