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I sit, staring through the window.
The backyard seems so empty.
So peaceful. So quiet.
And though invisible,
I know the wind blows by.
The tree’s hair is now dusk gold.
October seems forever lasting.
My pain feels forever going.
My heart is forever broken.
My eyes shall never see your smile again.
Our hands shall never touch again.
Your voice shall never be heard again.
Forever lost. Forever remembered.
I miss our fights.
I miss our games.
I miss you, dear;
I miss my friend!
But now you are gone.
Nothing left to say.
Nothing left to see,
but falling autumn leaves.

Views: 29

Comment by Kay Elizabeth on September 20, 2010 at 5:35am
Rowen that is so beautiful and sad. Very well done there! :) I need to add some new poems to my Poetry Corner section at The Cuckleburr Times. I've been neglecting it. Would you be interested in me publishing it there? If so, shoot me a PM and let me know and we can talk about it. Have a look at the site first. It's at I was going to start looking for new submissions next month.


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