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I have read that:

70% world is Non-Christian

30% is Christian

6% possess 59% of the entire world’s wealth

80% live in substandard housing

70% unable to read

50% suffer from malnutrition

1% have college educations

One can easily see that we need to improve education, house the poor, feed the hungry-So we need to accept the fact and do something about it.

So now if you are Blessed- never been around war-suppression torture or starvation- You are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you freely and openly can attend church without being punished- Uou are Blessed more than 3 billion people in the world.

If you have a roof over your head-a few clothes- and a little food in your refrigerator, you are better off than the other 75% of the world population.

If you have any money in your pocket or in the bank you are better off than the other 92% of the worlds population that has nothing.

If you are married to the same person- You are very rare.

If you can read this and understand this- You are Blessed more than the other 2 billion who can not.

Boy- Do we ever need a Savior. And we or those who Belief- Look forward to a Savior- are becoming rarer each day and ridiculed and made fun of.

So the majority will make fun of all those who Believe in Hope- Good will-Faith-Trust in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ- Celebrate a Merry Christmas and a Happy Easter.

Come our Savior-Oh come our Savior and deliver us from this evil world-Hopefully- we await your return and joyfully we will rejoice when You are here!

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