Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

The day of my book signing it was in the 70's here in Alaska. So everyone was outside enjoying the warm weather because we have short summers here. Everyone enjoys the light also for the same reason.  So Barnes and Noble was slow . I talked with one person about publishing books and one person bought a book.

Views: 63

Comment by Carol Graham on June 26, 2013 at 8:56am

Tell me more about your experience.  Did Barnes and Noble promote the signing?  Did you promote it in any way?  I'm curious because I am about to do my first book signing.

Comment by Lisa Miller on June 26, 2013 at 7:48pm

Well after I got my new book in the mail I took it over to Barnes and Noble to show it to them and ask if they would put it on the shelves to sell. Then she asked if I would be willing to do a book signing. To which I said yes. She told me to go home and start advererzing it. They put in their newsletter and put up a sign in the store. So I went home and ad it on facebook as an event and put on all on all my sites. 

Do you have a author website yet? Put it there. Do you have a blog? Put it there. Facebook. There. 

Also how about putting it in your local paper? Tell everyone you know. How about your church? Say something to them.

I put money into buying a poster of the cover of my book and business cards. I recommend going to fedex etc. Look nice.

If you do not have a blog look here at: Blogger or wordpress.

Author website try: Wix.

Here is the link for my blog:

Here is my author website:

Both of these I set up myself. It has been an learn as you go process.

I hope these tips help you. Let me know please?

Comment by Carol Graham on June 27, 2013 at 4:38am

Thank you for connecting.  I wrote my book for the UNchurched because the story needed to be told and I knew if I made it preachy, I would lose a lot of readers.  What has happened thus far (and it has only been a couple weeks) is mind-blowing.  People are literally asking where they can buy it because the word is out and I make no bones about my faith but show how God gives strength in unbelieveable circumstances.  So, they are asking -- "Where can I get that kind of trust and faith?"  I am still in a whirlwind as I never expected all these reviews. 

I have set up facebook, twitter, and a blog ( and doing a speaking tour next week at which time I was planning on visiting bookstores so just wondered if you had tips and you did -- that is appreciated.  I have checked out all your sites and your books -- you sound like a wonderful friend.

Comment by Lisa Miller on June 27, 2013 at 9:29am

Something I forgot to mention While I was writing my books A thought came to me, we know it was from the Holy Spirit because it said you know there are bible verses that go with that, being an idea ,thought, anyway you get the idea. So I guess I am asking is do you put scripture with your writing.It helps back up your thoughts.

Somewhere on your blog I put where else you can be found and writing links. People like these things. I am glad I could be of help to you. It has been my pleasure to help out. 

I have been blogging for about 4 years now.

Comment by Lisa Miller on June 27, 2013 at 10:46am

I found your blog. It is nice. I agree with what you said about writing and the publishing/marketing part.  Well said. Keep up the good work.


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