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Whatchu talking about


Whenever Willis said something to evoke this question from his brother, it usually involved either a crazy scheme to extract themselves from troublesome situation or involved an important lesson Arnold didn't quite comprehend.

If Willis had tailored the message properly, he might not have had to explain it.

Politicians do this a lot. Prepare a speech to be favorable to whatever group they're facing. This works fine unless you're telling how much you love banks to a group of working executives and turn around and say to a bunch of lower middle class home buyers how you hate bankers.

Salesman-basically politicians with possibly a touch more integrity-do the same thing. Figure out what the customer wants, then highlight those aspects of service/product that match the customer's needs.

Again, you may ask, what does this have to do with securing an evening with the lovely lady at work?

Talking to her before I suggest a date might help me plan the type of date that she'd like. Throughout these posts I've had various ideas for activities-jazz, comedy, sports-but I really don't know. My impression of her is that she's sophisticated and classy. I've never seen her wear anything but professional attire. We graphic artists and assistants wear anything from shorts and t-shirts to jeans and polo shirts. A few times a couple of the women wear dresses. But the lady's job is part of marketing, so she has to dress the part.

Because of this, maybe a suggestion of doing a Mud Run wouldn't go over as well as checking out the latest art gallery. Personally, I would be bored, but that's another story.

That's why I want to tailor the message. That's why the idea of an hour or two at the local jazz venue seems a good middle ground. A little classier than the local band at the local bar/nightclub. Not as sophisticated as the opera which, to be honest, let's kill me now before I suffer foreign language screeching sopranos and drum barrel basses.

Okay, Steve, you have the music, what about the food? For her, fast food to family restaurants, I think, would be a non-starter. Tapping the bank for a loan to hit the French places might be over the top. A nice Italian, Greek or sit-down-relax-with better menu selections than 'breakfast all day' would be the way to go. I'd have to have plan with alternatives in case she'd want to splurge and go for, you know, pizza.

I know, I know, I actually have to get to this step first, but the plan needs to be in place when the time comes.

What are your suggestions for a first date?

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