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As long as alive someone in a society, has to be continuing all communication and formal correspondences to his or her earthly lives necessary.

In the modern age and civilized society these are very important phenomenon to be followed and complied by all social and formal conformity.

Especially in a two way communication process all social and formal norms or courtesies should maintained very carefully without any unaccepted etiquette.

The global world and society are now mutually dependent on all digital and IT systems for their effective networking by internet connectivity.

Communications can take places in various ways of internet activities as web chatting, Email writing, employment looking & applying, and all personal or a group posting reversely.

But each and every communications processes have their some formal and cultural criterion in specific and respectively to be maintained firm and smartly.

As regards, any email writing to any loving one or any official authority some structural and language bounding are specified to be avoided all extremity.

Any unusual words, phrase & Idioms and group verb terminology shouldn’t be using in email writings to create any diverse meaning for a receiver’s annoying and misunderstanding!

Alternatively, all usual languages and easily under stable words should be used for receivers acknowledgement of satisfactory.

All deco rational activities must be avoided to maintain and complying all official and formal obedience’s as shading, bolding, and color matching by not performing.

Subject and salutations must be specified and clear afterward introductions line should be limiting by two to three lines but very polite & firmly.

Body paragraph should be limiting by a specific and worth fully subject matter without any irrelevant writing.

Finally, acknowledgement and good wishing any norms should be used very accordingly.

Significantly, any email from a sender must be honored and acknowledged positively whatever this mail is an emergency or nonemergency.

Any cyber communities as Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn, and professionals must be honored and followed by their mentioned rules and regularities to maintain all communities honor and dignity.

Because of these are basically global communities with their different cultural diversities that anyone must be very alert and aware to maintain their respective cultural expectancy.

All these cyber communities’ main objectives are to bringing all different global societies to be one global community by strongly discouraged all human prejudice, racism and inequity.

All individual and group posting as written or visual views and photography’s should very friendly handling by writing or posting any visual captions to honor and acknowledge friends effortful intimacy.

Any egocentric activity or affinity to get any praising, comments, and acknowledgement for someone self only by dishonor and ignore all sender friends’ expectation without any returning acknowledgements are someone unsocial and uncultured identity.

Thus it should be said as ‘To be honored yourself, honor others equally” that will bring enough values from your user friends for your self esteem highly.

Remember and recall this recommendation as long as you are on these communities actively by maintained all social formalities according to their variable respective norms by your good and modest behavioral exposing that will determine whether you are a cultured and a social being.

So, any good, bad, cultured, and civilized personality determined only by someone behavioral exposing not by his or her higher education, high family traditions and any high official authority.

Vitally to be coping and adjusting various social and cultural environments worth fully someone must be complied all social and behavioral norms credibly.


N. Sarder

Toronto, ON











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