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In brief, cultural assimilation is a socialization process to be having a hybrid and diversified new progeny by any indifferences.

Or a process to be equalized all minorities and majority groups racial and cultural differences by losing their mutual dominant and suppress characters without any obedience’s.

Basically this is a new transition of all human beings very comprehensive social and civilization process to be hybrid and global society without any racial inequity.

Significantly this is a lengthy & continuous phenomena or learning process to be diminished all reverse negative attitude perception ally.

To have a secular nation or community it could be the best ways to abolishing all stereotypes perceptions and assuming.

Likely the present multi-cultural diverse nations as Canada, USA, and United Kingdom with some other European nations are complying this transitional phenomena dynamically.

In fact, all global nations should be honored and followed these human diversifications without any enviousness and dishonesty.

On account of various human aggressions, racial & cultural extremist activities, and theological different beliefs made this present world very instable, avenge, and revenging invasions.

In turn, all human ruin and undone doing is occurring everywhere in this global world scattered and dispersed to some specific nations aimless diverging.

All fundamentalist activities, suicide bombing and terrorist lethal assassins are performing callously without any compassion and humanity.

Mutual respects, honor and dignity are converted into all mutual suspects, spiteful remarks and hypocrisy.

As reflections all local, national, regional and even global coexists impulsively losing their respective endurance and peaceful wills & integrity.

Established all Verbal and written collectivism verses and philosophy are working inversely in the reality to be established a capitalist or individualism theory.

All global people become confused and at a loss to be working their discretional user orderly.

Spying, hacks and faking are destroying all personal securities and identities for people’s social & family, and national certainties by various so called guardian countries.

All ruins and human undone making are going on for the sake of cultural assimilation’s lacking.

So, an extensive & enormous cultural assimilation is very necessary to be stopped all these national and international diplomacy or discrepancies for global people’s peaceful certainty.

Cultural assimilations can take places by various social and community activities among the members of different cultural races random participations, interactions, contributions and diverse relations.

Cultural assimilation is the best process to be neutralized all cultural variations by their gradual process of adaptations.

Remarkably, it is proven that when two different cultures stay close for their mutual needs and co operations initially, a strong conflict take place between two participated cultures populations equally.

In turn, over the period of time by losing their different cultural intensity both cultures become endurable to be closed together in order to their coexisting and peaceful living without any attitude and beliefs differently.

Vitally relations’ making between two different cultures identities is very effective way to integrate assimilations objectivities.

Get married between two hetero-sexual individuals from two different cultures to have their hybrid baby to be represented both father and mother’s equal honor & dignity without any cultural dominancy transitionally.

Afterward, many friendships making are largely by ignoring all cultural obligations that are very strong barriers for social coexists and friendly relations.

Besides, participation and interactions abundantly with all different cultural and rituals activities of different cultures are to stand by their mourning and celebrations for their respective honor and valuations also very fruitful for assimilation integration.

So, regardless all race, Color, gender and religion beliefs every global nation should be aware and compassionate by following all multi-cultural countries assimilating process by seeing is believing as a learning.














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