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Divine Mother's Psalm.

Art & Prose: 

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.


Written with maternal soul, Copyright 2019.

This blog is dedicated to the divine Mother Earth.  Mothers Day 2019 in US & Canada is 12th May.  Earlier this year, I released my work 'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' for UK Mothering Sunday, 31st March.  This title is the first in the #ConsciousCreativity Series, supporting Woman Kind. 

Mother Earth's Beatitudes.


This year marks 101 years since women obtained voting rights.  Little commentary on this fact has been ventured. This blog validates the centrality of the life-giving spirit of the divine mother archetype.

I will keep this blog simple today as I am feeling unwell.  However, as I sat to undertake some spirit art readings for Mother's Day, I was enchanted by an astounding song bird who let our a full song in perfectly harmony the soul of the Earth.  She truly delivered a definitive psalm directly from the spirit of the divine Mother, Mary. The bird sat patiently until I had completed my post and then returned to nurse her young fledglings...


This blog contains some images of a selection of worldwide universal Mother archetypes.  Through airing the iconography of the eternal mother, we are unveiling the truth & potency of the maternal instinct in nature.  All images are cultivated from organic trees, flora, fauna and Rose Lake Waters in the Darlands n. London.  Each image explores a facet of the human narrative of womankind as a living divine primordial force.  I have selected only archetypal icons of women, not cliched concepts.  Here I present the quintessence of the sacred flame of the divine feminine latent within the 'Tridevi' of humankind.

Archetype:  Freya, Norse Goddess.

Friday is Goddess Freya's day...

See:  Goddess Freya, fertility & love....

Friday- calendar days.

Archetype:  'Magnum Opus' Kundalini butterfly.

Nurturing human potential.

Archetype:  Aphrodite.  Traditional Greek Goddess of love.

Archetype:  Sophia, divine wisdom.  Greek culture.


Archetype:  Nintu, maternal Goddess of the human bloodline.


Archetype:  Divine Kriya Swan.  Paramhansa, Vedic.

Spiritually realised supreme being...

Archetype:  Shiva- is female.  Goddess of destruction & re-birt...

Role model:  Candida Marchesi, my Grandma. Piedmont Italy. x


Stephanie Lynne Thorburn-

Mother Earth's Beatitudes- Kindle Edition.

Supporting Woman Kind.


About 'Mother Earth's Beatitudes'.....


Prose & images themed on the beauty of Mother Earth...


Please enjoy reading a textual overview of my new work: -

"Welcome to Mother Earth's loving blessings. 'Gaea's Beatitudes' form a placenta for the 'Conscious Creativity' Trinity of titles, celebrating101 Anniversary of women’s franchise. The text honors the ethos of ‘Woman Kind’ through launch of Gaea Earth webs.


This galvanising collection of Earth Mother meditations unveils the deep ecology of emotional learning and sentient well-being.

'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' comprise prose, poetry and bio-resonant art, placing the 'Divine Mother' archetype at the centre of the Holy Trinity of life. The creative emanations effect a sacred temporal odyssey, immersing the viewer in a transformative Baptism of earth, air, fire and water. These spirit art meditations evolved from the author's reflections on her Grand Master Reiki studies. Subsequently, she has nurtured the nascent modality of Organic Reiki healing, exploring the great hope & latent potential of human kind.


* This mindful approach to energetic healing integrates Reiki with creative visualisation techniques. ♠

Mother Earth's Beatitudes uphold the Christian humanistic concept of egalitarianism and notions of intelligent design. Christ's Beatitudes from Sermon on the Mount are complemented well by exploration of the deep ecology of primal human needs.

Copyright 2019. 'Gaea Earth webs', Labour of Love titles."

Recommended links:

History of Mother's Day. UK Press, May 2019.


'Woman Kind' UK, International organisation.

Protecting women from discrimination, violence and poverty.

Woman Kind- International


Namaste, Stephanie Lynne, May 2019.

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