Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

We're a fantastic community. Sometimes we need to and do address issues that are brought to our attention to keep it that way.

Please be aware that constantly linking to your own work or copy/pasting it here is irritating to many other members. To those who do: you're not making yourself look good in the eyes of the community. No one likes a taker who doesn't give back to and only makes self-serving posts. And it REALLY hurts us on Google when it's duplicate content. Read this link please to understand the consequences of posting such things for both the site and yourselves.

There is another route to raising awareness of yourself here. Helping others with queries or review requests(see the Groups for those), welcoming newcomers without being spammy about it, adding original content like new forum threads/posts, pushing the Like button on posts you think are good...these are all ways to get others to notice you enough that they'll take interest in your book or service, and you! There's more I'm sure but there's a few suggestions to get you rolling. 

It's also a good idea to say hi when you get here or if you haven't already in the How did your find your way to thread and introduce yourself there. People will normally check out your profile when you do. Your profile is the place to showcase your book or service, and even then we expect a degree of restraint e.g. no gigantic pictures that fill the whole screen, screeds of links or huge walls of text nobody will read. Keep it concise, original and informative and you can't go wrong.

In short: Don't pull a pushy salesman routine please here because it won't be tolerated. We're not a dumping ground for spam. Any such posts anywhere- blogs, forum, groups, and status messages and so on- will be treated as such. They should be reported to me via my inbox. All judged to be spammy will be deleted and repeat offenders banned.

Just play fair please, people! Thank you. 

Views: 169

Comment by Stephen Lawrence Brayton on May 10, 2013 at 1:04pm

I like the author introduction page. How did you find your way here. i try to comment on the forum/blog posts that interest me and will often share with a group of authors I'm in touch with.

Comment by Kay Elizabeth on June 17, 2013 at 11:14am

Thank you for being the type of community member we need more of, Stephen.  If everyone could find that balance between sharing their own stuff and responding to others it would be wonderful. It's when the scales tip too far in their own favour that it becomes problematic. 

Comment by Carol Graham on June 26, 2013 at 8:38am

I am so new at this and really appreciate these words of advice.    Thank you

Comment by JE Thompson on May 9, 2014 at 5:10am

You give some good words of advice about self promotion. Thank you!


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