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Image:  Author, Stephanie Lynne.  Portfolio. 'Savy Fashion'.
'Empowering Femininity: The Anti- Ageing Show' London Olympia.  10-11th May 2014. 
Review:  Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Women's lifestyle media has become an empowering social forum in recent years.  Women's health and lifestyle challenges no longer comprise personal victories, played out within the private realm, rather our lives have become penetrated by a rich culture of public scrutiny.  The anti-ageing health and beauty show this May in Olympia was a catalyst, seeing an aggregation of health and nutrition experts, beauticians, eye specialists, cosmetic dentists and media professionals liaising.  Promoted by Top Sante and sponsored by Harper's Bazaar, vignettes of sound lifestyle advice were imparted by expert voices and celebrity speakers alike.  Featured guests included former editor of UK Cosmopolitan, Leah Hardy and model and actress Linda Lusardi- great to see Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies.  The event was conducted in tandem with some elements of NHS UK advisory services, including the London Eye Hospital and was augmented by the inevitable presence of representatives from private healthcare, including Harley Street services and consultants from Grace Belgravia Medical.
Empowering possibilities and fulfilling potential.
There can be no greater or more empowering catalyst than the exploration of possibility and potential.  Women's magazines provide sustenance in women's everyday lives, constituting powerful health educational messages.  The Editorial team at the anti-ageing show emphasise the raison d'etre for the show as being linked to giving women free access to expert on hand advice, information regarding advances in medical treatments, (esp. cosmetic medicine) and active demonstrations of products. The Anti-Ageing show was as billed full of "health, beauty and wellbeing discoveries".  The venue became host to a Pandora's box of well-gauged guest exhibitors and speakers.  There was a friendly and open access milieu.  The commercial ambiance and narcissistic  ethos did though leave me with a slightly hollow impression- is beauty only skin deep?  The show was a logistical and conceptual success, although represents a retro perception of femininity. 
I would loved to have witnessed more input from some of the recent health campaigns so positively supported via women's media, including Race for Life and Women for Women.  =======================================================
- For more info see official Anti-ageing show homepage, (show founded 2012):

Recommended links: -

Race for life, Cancer Research UK:

Women for Women (Genesis Trust): 

(Image:  'Savy Fashion', Copyright to Stephanie L. Thorburn- Cover shot, portfolio.)
Author homepage:


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