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This review is from: Philly Style And Philly Profile (Paperback)
This is the second of the Andy Pilgrim trilogy.While the title does not try to explain the book,that was the author`s intent.The title refers to something special specific to the city of Philadelphia only. You have to read the book very carefully to understand what Julius is trying to say. He is being pervasive on purpose. This second book leads into the final of the trilogy, "Ghost of Atlanta"

"Philly Style, Philly Profile" takes place in the 70's.Andy, a black man, works for the Philly Bulletin.He is immediately confronted by one of the many problems that black men had to deal with then and now...RACISM.That`s just one central issue. Added, we find out that he is slated to cover high school sports and we are immediately introduced to 2 more very dangerous threats...DRUGS and GANGS.

Andy gets caught up deeply in this mix when he befriends Carl, an up and coming basketball player whose getting ready to go off to college in just a few days. I won`t spoil the story for you but I will say that it`s extremely fast paced and relevant for the times. Of course all cities big and small sadly still face these same issues.

You will read this and, once you do, you`ll want to continue the saga in "Ghost of Atlanta".I would be remiss if I did not take a moment and mention the fantastic editing in this super story. I read this, looking for mistakes and I found very few. My hat`s off to Julius' editor, Moneysaver Editing. Keep writing Julius, great job!


Format: Paperback
Too often on the news we hear of African American males who have succumb to violence and drugs. After a while, we do not care why, we just hope and pray that we are not caught in the crossfire. However, in Philly Style and Philly Profile Thompson does not let us ignore them, as society would like to. Moreover, he introduces the reader to some of these young men and their fears, hopes, desires, and beliefs. Even though the story takes place in the seventies, Philly Style and Philly Profile occurs every night in America

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
This is another remarkable novel by Julius Thompson. In Philly Style and Philly Profile he takes the reader through the streets of the City of Brotherly Love and shows us, with engaging and touching down-to-earth prose, the good and evil, the hate and love in the lives of hostile and violent young people, some of whom are saved thanks to the constant help of dedicated community counselors. A troubled side of the great city of Philadelphia, portrayed vividly by a brilliant storyteller.

A. Romero
Snellville, GA


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