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With the boxes being reorganized, that was like the disorganization of the government for its negativity. Putting the boxes in some kind of order, that didn’t remove the weight of the boxes or their sizes from the garage, but it did shed perspective upon the situation. The government has all kinds of negativity associated with it, but if one could box up the different levels and organize the negativity, some perspective could be gained from that. If anything, the government itself is a measure of the overall negativity within the constituents. This is why some legislation makes no sense at times, and in other moments it does. So, in a sense the government is asking for a little understanding itself because of the job it has of regulating the negativity. This is also the reason why legislation is overturned because of the life of the negativity that created it to begin with. Anyone that has a teenage daughter under the weight of negativity should see this easily. That doesn’t make it right, but it does shed some light on the negativity of the government. In a sense, the government could be seen as a teenager, or the rebel without a cause. The shame though, the government has been the teenager for far too long.

In a sense, and this is what really didn’t make sense to Seraphon when he thought of prayers to God. Legislation within the Government was like prayers to God. With the praying asking for the power over their lives, or making requests or just whatever was wanted within the prayer. So, where government had its lobbyists, God had religious fervor and the praying. In a sense too, this was the measure of letting God lead. However, there was one distinct difference. God had already given a design to the fallen and it was well known what they did with that. Well, the government with all its different officials were just like average constituent with his or her negativity and how the fallen fell away from God’s design.

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