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I received this note from Sylvana today!  She is an Italian native, as you will see.  I was anxious, (wringing hands) to know what she thought.  Here it is:

I’m reading The Only Way to Paradise and wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying it. I was born in Sicily and have lived in Utah for over 33 years and in the US for 46 yrs.
I love the way you bring Florence to life and the way Italians love and care for people “agape” is so true!! I haven’t been to Florence and I can tell you love it there..I hope to some day to return to Sicily..I still have family there..
Such a wonderful story line. We all have trials in life and to be able to escape and find peace and to heal is a blessing.And to do it in Italy is even better!  I am not done with the book but just had to tell you I am loving it!
I am a mother of 10,( 7 girls, 3 boys)….and I have tried to teach them about their heritage and they are more Italian than anything! They love to cook with me and to be all that is Italian.
Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Orson Whitney Press is the name of the imprint that my husband David and I have begun.  He has published a book and so have I.  It’s called The Only Way to Paradise.  You can buy it as an e-book or as a trade paperback at pleasing prices on or Barnes and  If you go to a brick and mortar bookstore, beware!  They will tell you it doesn’t exist!

Radio Interview this Sunday, July 17th, with Carole Mikita of KSL news and radio fame.  She wants to know everything about the Crazy Ladies in The Only Way to Paradise, and is planning to drill me for an hour!  So, even if you don’t get KSL radio at 8 am on Sunday, you can go to your computer and listen on the Internet at!

May you be blessed with agape, as well as acorns and piglets,  (you’ll have to wait for David’s fantasy to figure that last bit out.)


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