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For the entire month of February, I’m running a review campaign. For each review of “The Seventh Soul” on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Good Reads, $1.00 will be donated to the Great Plains Food Bank.  The following is from the Great Plains Food Bank website, describing what the program does in its campaign against hunger: 


"The Great Plains Food Bank strives for a hunger-free North Dakota and western Minnesota by recovering surplus food and grocery product, distributing it to hungry individuals through a statewide network of charitable feeding programs, engaging community partners in the fight to end hunger, and advocating for social change."  (


The donation amount is already adding up ($15 thus far!).  The campaign will run through the end of February, when at the end of the month, the entire amount will be donated online and shared on Facebook and The Seventh Soul website.

Good luck, and thanks for your help in the fight against hunger!

M.L. Harveland

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