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Wake up, God wants to speak to you. Early in the morning, God is giving out instructions. He's giving you the wisdom that you will need for this day. God knows all of the answers to all the test and trials and tribulations that you will go through on today. He wants to fellowship with you through His WORD, which is His Son Jesus Chrrist, (John1:1). God is waking you up to give you all the answers that you will be needing for this day. God loves all of us so much and He has so much that He wants to give us. There are things that He want to give us, to make your enemies jealous over you. He wants His kingdom to be represented well here on earth. He wants you to prosper,and be in health. He wants you blessed exceedingly, above all your ability, above all you can even imagine. Your eyes have never even seen all the things that he has for you. He wants you so blessed that people recognize it, and talk about it all day long. He wants you to have nice cars, and live in nice homes as a matter of fact He wants you to have the desires of your heart. That's why having a relationship with God is so important. He wants our lives to look like heaven on earth. He wants to commune with us. He wants to fill us with His goodness. He wants us full of His joy. He wants us to speak into the lives of others by encouraging them, strengthening them, and building their faith. God wants us declaring His peace, His love, His.mystery. Revealing His salvation to a lost soul. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the thoughts that He thinks towards you.He has plans to prosper you and Jeremiah 29:13 says that if you seek Him with your whole heart you will find Him. God wants to develop a relationship with you so you will recognize His voice speaking softly and gently to your heart. God wants us to be His mouth piece. He wants us to be His messengers. But how can you say what God wants you to say if you haven't heard from Him. Developing your ears to hear Gods voice allows your heart to becomes softened. When your heart is softened God can work with you. You become more like God, and when other people see you they see God in you they want that peace that you possess. People are drawn to you like a magnetic force.Because theey want what you have. They want tgat sweet aroma, that fragrance of Jesus Christ. Be encouraged enjoy your day develop your relationship with God. Commune with God,fellowship with God make God your priority. Put God first. Wake up early read your Bible get instructions from the word of God. God loves you so much

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