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Everyone has questions about life, perhaps a lot of them, and many of them feel as though they will go unanswered for all eternity. Not so. Divining Truth, Straight Talk From Source (the story) by Toni Elizabeth Sar’h Petrinovich, PhD furnishes the answers to the most daunting questions about life, relationships, religion, spirituality, heaven, hell and so much more. No longer does anyone need to wander around wishing there was someone with the answers sought so desperately. Now, one book houses all of the responses in one place and all emerging from within the divinity of the Cosmic Mind. 

Human beings have been led to believe that there is only one way to access God. Religions, schools and entire cultures have fostered the concepts that there are special people who have access to divine information. The rest of humanity has been instructed to use these unique individuals as intermediaries between the human being and the Source of life. It is not true. And while this may sound daring, Divining Truth does dare you to receive your own answers. “This is the most daring book I have ever read.” Kathryn Hart Teixeira

Humanity is divine. While it is not understood within the mind of the most people, everyone will understand it completely upon reading Divining Truth, Straight Talk From Source (the story). Toni Elizabeth Sar’h has been instructing students how to access divinity for over 40 years. She knows and teaches explicitly how to access information from the Cosmic Mind that, at one time, seemed far and remote. No longer does anyone have to wonder how to gain access to answers to the most often asked questions. Divining Truth teaches the answers and the acquisition of them.

The website,, also houses additional material not offered in the book, including text, chants and video excerpts from Divining Truth, Straight Talk From Source (the story). The reader is given a closer look at the characters played out in the story that accompanies each of the book’s 75 questions and answers.

Toni Petrinovich is a Master Teacher with a ministerial doctorate in metaphysics. She is the owner of Sacred Spaces in the San Juan Islands. Toni teaches metaphysical principles and the sacred connection within through her Meta yoU School of Mastery courses, guided meditations and video presentations.  

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