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Written By: George Jennifer and F. John Surells
An Introduction To “Forty Six: You’ll Leave A Legacy Of Peril Part One”
(George Jennifer - mayor of the city)

As readers of this forum know, its submissions are no longer accepted on a regularly published schedule. Only such material as is deemed “dreadfully relevant” or “uncompromisingly entertaining” will appear here from now on. But when I received this two part disclosure from one of our city’s best writers, I knew it had to be our first deviation from our new policy.

The Text Of “Forty Six: You’ll Leave A Legacy Of Peril Part One” (F. John Surells)

As political office seekers now enter the final phases of their campaigns to fill such positions as will need to be filled in November, it might be well for Americans to focus substantially more upon the illegal entry of foreigners into their nation, as well as economic and international policies, rather than solely upon abortion. Judging by the content of many current political ads, it seems that most left-leaning candidates seem to think that abortion rights are more important than the protection of the American citizenry.
Four years of a failed Democratic presidency have left the U.S. with serious domestic and foreign problems which will only worsen should a radical leftist become president forty seven. Indeed the Democratic candidate for president can’t be trusted to commit to the deportation of illegals currently living in the U.S.; and remember, many of those are hardened criminals who at this time are already placing the lives of law-abiding Americans at risk.
It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to appear at rallies and on campaign ads and promise leftist dreams which would economically handcuff the American economy if ever enacted. Anyone can stand in front of a microphone and say “Oh yeah, we’ll deliver a middle class tax cut. And we’ll build a lot of new homes. And we’ll really sock it to those billionaires. And we’ll make sure anybody who wants or needs an abortion can get one.” But middle class tax cuts have a way of disappearing amidst the realities of modern day life, i.e. the money saved there (if any) is then recouped by the government for more spending. And who will pay for a project of increased housing starts? And billionaires can have it socked to them, but they’ll sock right back when they increase the prices of the goods and services their companies provide, or move their businesses to foreign lands. And abortion? Well, maybe each person, male and female, needs to search their own soul on that one. But isn’t that why each state can now deal with that topic individually?
Nonetheless. despite such musings, it should be understood that the amount of damage the policies of America’s forty sixth president will have upon our nation in years to come will depend greatly upon how much its forty seventh president will be able to reverse some of forty sixes’ errors. The effects of the inflation forty six created will linger on. Prices (on most items) may not decrease much (at least initially), but perhaps the trend toward severely increasing costs can be reversed. Yet, the economic problems associated with the forty sixth president will not be the most dreadful inheritance he’ll leave to the Americans of tomorrow. That distinction will be claimed by the societal landscape he’ll bequeath to those whose families have worked and struggled in the American states for generations; and yes, that includes whites, blacks, and other foreigners who became legitimate citizens of the U.S.
Unless huge numbers of the illegal trespassers whom forty six allowed to infiltrate the U.S. can be sent back to their native lands by forty seven, their presence in the American states will have a profound and most likely devastating effect upon American society in years and generations to come. It’s estimated that somewhere between seven and twenty one million foreigners illegally entered to the U.S. during forty sixes’ term in office. And it’s known that many of those are lawbreakers, many are dangerous criminals, many are drug users, many are sex offenders, many are drug, sex, and child traffickers, many have mental problems, many harbor jealously and hatred toward Americans, many will, and already have severely harmed or killed innocent American citizens, and one would expect that almost all have barely a dollar or a peso to their name.
And if the people just alluded to in the previous paragraph are allowed to remain in the U.S., you can imagine (or maybe you can’t) how they’ll change the American way of life in years to come. Indeed it’s possible that down the road (many say in about forty years) America will be looked upon as just another Hispanic nation, leaving Canada alone as the only non-such country existing on both American continents.
And what effect will the Hispanicization of the U.S. have? Will all citizens be required to speak Spanish rather than English? Will laws be passed to favor Hispanics over whites and blacks? And will indeed the white and black races become virtual slaves to Hispanic overlords?
The United States of America is but one of many nations which exist upon planet Earth. Of course much is said and written about it as it is arguably the most powerful of all those nations. Yet, it is really but one sovereign land, and as such its citizens deserve to have its borders respected and defended. No American should be saddled with the responsibilities of foreigners who violate his or her nation’s boundaries, and then, at the expense of those Americans, attempt to live the so-called “good life” in the so-called “good ole U.S.A.”
And, of course the immigration crisis, if not in fact created by the Democratic Party, has been greatly exacerbated by its candidates’ actions and non-actions. Today, some (and most notably its candidate for president who, during her years in the Senate and as Vice President did nothing to reverse illegal immigration) of its office seekers are telling American voters that they voted many times to stop illegal immigration! Well, as we look at the current situation, it’s clear that all those votes, and indeed the legislation they were cast upon, were meaningless attempts to stop illegal immigration. They were simply ploys to try to aid the Democratic Party in upcoming elections, and of course especially the presidential contest. Let’s get serious about reversing illegal entry into The United States! Let’s build a wall, and place a military presence along our southern border! And yes, let’s end the policy of granting American citizenship to newborns born to non-citizens currently living in the U.S.

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