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'Seminal Bunbury Tales'.

Image:  Stephanie Lynne & David English.

Art & Prose by: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.


Bunbury Cricket XI @ Totteridge Cricket Club,

Sunday 19th August 2018.



I spent a wonderful afternoon in company of Dr. David English & XI on Sunday August 19th 2018.

The light of Apollo was definitely shining down on a relatively downcast summer afternoon-

Dr. David English is a much valued Godfather not only of youth cricket, but of (Totteridge Millhillians Cricket Club).

The Bunbury calendar is now selective, with the local afternoon of cricket in company of Nigel Wray's XI taking place after David's English School's Cricket Association Under U15's youth festival each year. 

David English's joie de vivre had not dimmed since last season.  However, he is now spending many moons in each annum away from those he loves, with fewer fixtures organised.  David, now partially retired from his many media & fund raising duties spends his time wisely.  He lives life on his own terms- supporting youth cricket is one of his key priorities.  Supporting the local cricket club is however one of David's preferred preoccupations...  Indeed, David English was on tremendous form telling classic 'tales of the unexpected' to the faithful from the boundary last Sunday.  He recounted lucidly great conquests from his years as President of RSO Records.  David is certainly skilled at painting with words, using but a few choice sentences to convey the seminal kingdom of the Robert Stigwood Organisation. A stellar cast of classic musicians and musicals were facilitated through RSO Limited- we all owe a debt of gratitude to Robert & David's intuitive teamwork.


Image:  Commander David English with Linda & Stephanie Thorburn.

Stephanie Lynne.

It was fabulous to learn that David English has recently been in touch once more with Sir Barry Gibb.  Barry clearly has kept his connection and love of the vernacular realities of everyday life to the fore; he is a truly astute artist. Thus,  David's autobiography became a best selling audio book during the duration of the Bunbury match- my family and David's teammates all became a captive audience, listening to many wonderful Bee Gees tales, until we were dismissed in favour of a little team tactical talk...

  Sadly, Bunbury CC lost nonetheless by two runs.  However, the team is merely out of practice- several textbook 'caught and bowled' wickets fell at the hands of David's men- with Harry Mac bowling a winner before a classic English tea time spent in the company of friends.

A  Bunbury Team Photo:  John Hurst, with David English, Robin Ford, Nigel Wray XI,

Bunbury XI. 

In truth, I have been visiting Totteridge Millhillians CC on a weekly basis recently to encapsulate Darlands Wildlife. I have produced a photography portfolio of the flora and fauna of the area for my forthcoming book on the Pagan God Thor.  The work will include vignette segments on Cliff Thorburn & David English.

The Hawthorn Tree- Darlands after dark...

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*Woodside Park Darlands Nature Reserve:

Support Darlands, Woodside Park.

My etude on the Pagan Viking Gods conveys the fact that polytheistic deities were frequently mortal, and imperfect with a penchant for epicurean pleasures.  My favourite archetypal Norse God is Freya.  Freya is married ethereally to all men on earth; she is God of sex, love, war & magic!  Pagan deities were indeed the precursors to modern day celebrities.

Each God was cast as a spiritual archetype of man, organic and frequently seductive in many respects. Yet like Bunbury CC Pagan Gods serve to emancipate the spirit, realising the higher good of human kind... They are 'lightworkers'.

Light of Apollo.

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My forthcoming book on Thor will thus be followed by another historical fictional text on Bunbury CC, casting David English & the Bunbury Armada into their respective incarnations.  David English- 'light of the creative muses', has a well honed love of story telling to rival the folklore greats.  The lives of the Pagan Gods are inextricably linked with the human odyssey of RSO. 

Ultimately each Pagan God always faces their personal 'Ragnarok'- or mortal fate.  As recently alluded to by David, too many music legends have passed from this world to the next dimension of reality.

My forthcoming book on David and Bunbury CC catches up with the many lives/ incarnations of David and his stellar friends from the cricket & music worlds. Eternal souls, living humble, yet spectacular successive lives beyond this life.

From burlesque to bohemia- expect some seminal Bunbury tales as David English is confronted with his fraternal twin self from antiquity.  A Commander of the British Empire he certainly is in this life and was in Roman society!  The formula for my 33rd Anniversary work for Bunbury CC is thus mediated by a little Monty Python, complemented with a flavour of " I, Claudius".  Let the wine flow and the celebrations commence, because when you are watching Bunbury Cricket Club play innocently on the green fields of Totteridge CC, the madness and mayhem of David English's XI complements the actions of bona fide living legends!

*Stephanie Lynne Thorburn will release her new book in 2019.  In the meanwhile, her original biography of David English & Bunbury cricket is still a best-seller via Kindle:

David English, RSO Legacy & Bunbury Cricket Tales.

Related Links:

For news of Bunbury CC on Social Networking, see:

David English Bunbury Cup Draw 2018: -

ESCA David English Cup Draw.

Selected Charity:

Bunbury Cricket have raised vital funds for a diverse range of charities.

Sir Ian Botham is a dedicated Bunbury- thus Bunbury CC support the

tireless work of: - Leukaemia Research.

Leukaemia Research UK.




Below:  Images from Bunbury CC Grosvenor House anniversary balls.

Ashes Tribute- 2009, Suzanne and Bill Wyman with Stephanie.

David English & Stephanie Lynne, 2009.  Grosvenor House.

Thank you:  Linda Thorburn, photos.

*Stephanie Lynne's work on David English's Bunbury pro-celebrity cricket club is a true labour of love,

written in support of her new 'Humanitarian Healing' Webs.


- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn is a post-graduate alumni of Goldsmiths University.

For more information on her creative works, see Goldlink- Progressive Etudes.

The alumni feature overviews Stephanie's independent graduate research &

'Spiritual Iconography- Existential Masters'.

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