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I am involved with a new Christian radio station preparing to go on the air in Central Florida. As this is a non-profit, it will rely heavily on volunteers and pledges.

WTYG 91.5 FM will broadcast out of Sparr, FL, but we still need a little help. Maybe you've heard of Kickstarter? It's a great website for fundraisers of all sorts. Well, we started a campaign and you can get to it at this link: 
Besides the satisfaction of helping spread a good message, I wanted to give you an extra incentive. We all know money is tight these days, but if you can spare a little for a good cause, then I want to share my writing with you.
For anybody that donates $5 or more, I will send you not one, not two, but three eBooks! 
Once you make a pledge, send me an email to or and I will send you all three stories:

Now these stories normally sell for $2.99, $0.99 and $0.99, a total of $4.97 plus Tax. So you will be getting your money's worth and it will be tax-free! There is a lot of inspiration and faith on these pages, why not be a part of it?

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