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'Dai Ki Bo'- Great Hope for Humanity.

Images & Prose: 

Sincerely, Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. x

Wreath of poppies- for the known & unknown soldier.

Images and prose Copyright 2018.  Created in peace. +

This blog is being written to mark 100th Anniversary since the end of World War I.

Armistice Day, 11th November 2018.

Written in peace. x


Summary: Guardian- Armistice Day around the World.

During this year, I have been studying 'the light Degrees'- Grand Master Reiki

Degrees 5-10.  These degrees offer deep comfort, unifying the

heart and mind of healing practitioners with humanity's 'Great Hope'.

Dai Ki Bo is Kanji for 'Great Hope' (Reiki Degree 10). 

One is attuned to Great Hope through meditation- a collective meditation for world peace; -


Great hope makes the vow that: -

Grief will be met with solace,

human pain, incomprehension, must be met with peace,

where there is death, or loss- there must be re-birth.


Today is a day of reflection, 100 years have passed since the close of the First World War.

The futility of war is an ever pertinent truth.

WWI saw 70 million people engaged in combat and there were circa 40 million casualties.

+ Words and even images are

frankly insufficient... +

Flower of Life- the emanation of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.


The Holy Trinity comprises the three pillars of life: -

The eternal Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

A cosmopolitan spiritual perspective on the Holy Trinity teaches that the Trinity of life is upheld through the forces of:

creation, maintenance and destruction- followed by re-birth.

See: Hindu Triumvirate- Brahma, Vishnu Shiva.

The catharsis of remembrance allows humans to grow, unite and

to discover the unity of human spirit.  Our prayer and reflection

alone nurtures 'Dai Ki Bo'- collective hope for the realisation of humanity's potential-

& crucially the maintenance of Gaia, our living world.

- Below are two poems related to the fruition of Humanitarian Healing Webs-

(created with love by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn).


The Kriya Tree, (homage to Bodhi Tree),

and Rose Lake Waters- poem for the absent son...  x

*In future let poetry not be a lexis articulating the reflections of war,

 but a language expressing humanity's humble prayer for the future.

A world prayer for hope surely is an eternal prayer for a genuinely 'brave' new world.



Armistice Day- The Royal British Legion.

Armistice Day- The Standard, Facts & Figures.

- A well written source, reflecting on key aspects of World War I,

including Battle of the Somme.

Also see, BBC_ Battle of the Somme, 141 Days of Horror.


Below poetry comprises excerpts from Stephanie Lynne's text 'Divine Harmonics'.

See: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn C.V. Spirit Art & Prose Collection.

Spiritual Verse.

‘The Kriya Tree’.

Homage to the Bodhi Tree.


The Kriya Tree connects with the crossing point of light.

Kriya art is the language of compassion.  Kriya leaves open the mind to thought & sensation, resonating with the resolute universal nurturing force of the Sun’s rays.


Kriya tree shoots connect with the vortex of latent emotion- meeting mind with heart.

Kriya tree sap weeps for lost souls, the death of life, universal suffering.

The sap deters hurt & ignorance, upholding prayers of hope.

Kriya fruit nurtures the melody of love- nourishing harmony, faith & enlightened minds.

Kriya roots meet earth with matter, sustaining life, cradling body, mind spirit & soul to the umbilical cord of one.

Rose Lake Waters.

Absent Son-  

Humanity's broken pact.




How will I know you are there?

  • The hearth soothing white noise.

How will I know that you have heard?

  • The happiness within the shadows, cast deep within the transcendent well of Rose Lake.

How will you know I saw you?

  • The echo locked within the solitude of your voice.

How will you know I need forgiveness?

  • I cannot judge the clarity of soul.

How will you know how much I loved you?

-Unfaltering presence.

How will I know if you could still feel pain?

-I can no longer pierce in the presence of dawn.

How do you live?

-I wake within the mortal ecology of your soul.

Where do I look?

-Heal.  Look West to the setting Sun. 

Look to the vintage red wine waters of truth, of peace.

-Look to the maternal signet swan- I dwell in the gait of her heart. 

Her wings reign above the swelling waters, sailing above the absent father, lost deep within the opulent mire of the well.

Closure. x



In peace may love find you. x

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