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I have now finished the first four stories from Paul
D. Brazill's Drunk on the Moon
series and, to gaudily use a pun, this is one
with teeth.

The conecpt, an ex-cop turned werewolf turned
P.I., is fresh and fun. Yes, I slipped "werewolf" in there. If you don't already
know the premise, Roman Dalton was a detective in The City until he was bitten.
Since then, he splits his time between being a private investigator and
single-handedly trying to put Jack Daniels out of business.

This is
classic noir stuff. Moody settings, bad-tempered people and lots of grit and
grunge. The City is as much a character as the people. And the thing that piqued
my interest was the supernatural does not stop with a single werewolf. There is
a Haitian voodoo gangster, an alien and let's not forget the zombie strippers,
but no vampires yet.

Let's talk about the tales one at a time, shall

on the Moon
- Paul D. Brazill sets the tone with the initial story. He gives
us a glimpse of how Roman came to be and establishes the prime hangout, Duffy's
Bar. He points out all the major players. He names a few unique locales. But
that is not the draw of this installment. This one is all about the words.
Brazill spins a silky web of metaphors, phrases and descriptions that drip with
artistic skill. His words don't simply put you in the story; you feel, taste,
touch, smell everything right along with seeing it in your mind's eye.

the Night
- Julia Madeleine takes Roman all the way to Quebec.
Unfortunately, Roman can not leave his troubles behind. Full moons are
unavoidable. Madeleine reminds us that being a werewolf is not Roman's only
problem. He struggles with morality and fights the bottle. He is human. To me,
that's what makes a story. If the character isn't relatable then it doesn't
matter what he does.

Darke Affair
- Allan Leverone hits all the key elements and delivers more of
the trademark Roman Dalton. The story is direct and concise. Roman faces off
once again with Ton Ton Phillipe, the Haitian voodoo gangster. The fun in this
one is Agent Darke. Leverone introduces a mysterious new character, both
humorous and frightening. I for one would like to see Agent Darke return, if he

- B.R. Stateham brings the fourth installment with excellent force. He has a
style that I would call "old school". Maybe that's not exactly right, but he
definitely has an understanding of the genre and seems to have gotten inside
series creator Brazill's head. His word choice and descriptions are masterful.
Without giving away the end, I could not help picturing Anthony Hopkins
conversing with the main character. I have not mentioned Ivan Walker from the
previous stories, but he should be mentioned here. Stateham really develops the
relationship between Roman and his former partner. Ivan is taken from being a
cutout on the police force that slips Roman the occassional lead to a friend
with a history and continued compassion for Roman's situation. I try not to play
favorites, but this may be it (so far).

So those are the four stories currently
available. There are three more well underway. I have the privilege of adding to
this enthralling tapestry, but that is down the road a bit. In the meantime, I
shall continue to read and enjoy what the other exciting authors have to say
about Roman and his plight.

In the meantime, why not give my own series a
shot? The first three chapters of Reprisal are now available: Making
Plans, Making Memories
; The
; and Shadow
. Trestle Press is still doing the Buy One Get One, so send me your
proof of purchase to any of the stories and I will send you a story for

Don't worry, I will have some nasty treats for you for Halloween as
well. Be looking over your shoulder for the next chapter of Reprisal, Severed
with Darren
, and maybe one more surprise.

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