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He Has Called Me by Name (Isaiah 43 NIV)
By: J.P. Ruiz

All at once my world came crashing down upon me. It happened about seven years ago, I was thirty-five years old and I was at the top of my career. I am veteran of the Gulf War, when I left the military I decided to work hard and to make my childhood dream come true. I went to college and earned my Texas Peace Officer Certification and soon I became a police officer. I devoted my life to my job and my job became my life. If I wasn’t working, I took all the training courses I could in order to advance in my field. I began my police career as a non-paid reserve patrol officer and worked my way up to Chief of Police in a little over ten years. This was an incredible accomplishment and it did not come without my share of sacrifice. I am a father of four, one son from a previous marriage, two step-children (a son and a daughter), and now my wife and I have a daughter together. I consider them all my own children.

My son from my first marriage is an only child and he had a difficult time with me remarrying. His mother left me for someone else but I never pointed finger or assigned blame to his mother. My son could only see his father was no longer living with him and I had acquired a new family. My son had a difficult time adjusting and he made it a point not to get along with my new wife. All I wanted was to provide him with a loving family, but if it were up to him our family should consist of only him and me. I had visitation rights every other weekend, every other holiday, and forty days in the summer. The problem arose as a police officer I was always on call and weekend were naturally our highest call period. Things became impossible at home and it got to the point that I was looking for a reason to be at work and spend the least amount of time at home. Do not get me wrong, I love my wife and I love all of my children. This was the problem, in order to make everyone happy I was literally living separate lives. I was living my life with my wife; my life with my son; and my life with the rest of my children. It did not take long; soon my life began to rip apart. Rip apart it did and it was absolute devastation.

My family and I had always attended church but we did it out of form and ceremony rather that out of a love for Jesus Christ. Things became so difficult between my wife and my son. My wife gave me an ultimatum that if I was going to have a life with my son it was going to be out of the house. So I moved out, I left my family in order to save my relationship with my son. I began to put my trust in another woman and even began a relationship with her. She promised to be good to Johnny and to love all of my children. At the time it sounded good. I felt a great deal of guilt because I did not live with my son and I felt I owed him more than I could give him. I would not discipline him due to fear that he would stop loving me. He had different rules than the rest of my children and this was wrong, but I could not see it at the time. When I did discipline him it was out of anger for the situation and not for what had occurred.

I continued to spending a great deal of time at work and when I was not working and my son was not with me I began drinking alcohol, heavily to cover up the pain. I would go and see my children at the house but every time I would leave, my three year old daughter cried. My wife wanted me home and was willing to do anything at that point, but I had already made a decision. Medical issues from the war made me deal with a great deal of pain so the doctors also prescribed pain medication. I have to admit, I hated myself and I wanted everyone else to hate me also. I was causing so many people, that I loved, so much pain it would have better if I was not around. The pain increased with each day and I fell into a dark depression. The thought of ending my life seemed like a means to an end of pain for everyone.

One day my wife came to the door of the RV trailer I was living in and she was so excited. She was going on about how she had met Jesus and how He had forgiven her and she was born-again. Apparently a friend from work had invited her to a different church and Jesus had become real to her. I was so angry, how dare she come and boast about how God had forgiven her for all she had done to me and my son. I did not want to hear it and I demanded she leave and she refused. I could not understand why she was so happy, it just increased my anger. I was hurting inside and I wanted her to hurt also, it was not fair that she could be so happy. I called for police assistance and I had her removed. The next day I filled for divorce.

The next day I arrived at work at my usual time (6:30 am) and I began to prepare as we were going to serve a search warrant on a local drug house. As I was preparing my paperwork and equipment I received a call and was requested to meet with Mayor in his office. I walked into his office and was informed that my services were no longer required. Enraged, this was the last thing that had remained in my life and now it was gone. I drove to RV and opened a brand new bottle of Jim Beam a friend had gifted to me a day earlier. I opened the bottle and poured myself drink after drink until I was out of soda to mix with it. Then I continued to drink the liquor straight with ice, until I ran out of ice. So I continued to drink straight out of the bottle. I was hurting so much and I did not know what to do. I had only a few pain pills left so I took those and sat on the couch.

I looked over to the table that was next to my couch and on it laid two fully loaded pistols. This was it, it was time to do it and get it over with. After all what else did I have to live for, my life was hurting so many people and I did not wish to be the reason for their misery any longer. I prayed that God would forgive me and that he would improve the lives of my loved ones once I was gone. I stood up and began to walk over to the table to grab my pistol. As I staggered across the living room, an unbearable force pulled me to my knees. I blacked out and when I awoke I was in a dark forest. I could not recognize my surroundings, I was completely lost.

I was a boy scout when I was young and I had received extensive training in navigation and wilderness survival in the military but I could not find a way out. I began to panic and I ran and ran but it was useless there were no trail to be found and it was so dark that I could not even see the position of the sun. I felt helpless; I screamed for help but did not get any response. I searched for signs of animal trails or any indication of where I might be or where I should go but found nothing. I was getting tiered and out of breath. I fell to ground and sat with back to a tree trunk and I rested my head in my hands in defeat. I had given up, so I closed my eyes and attempted to slow my breathing down so I could catch my breath. It was beginning to get darker and the temperature was getting cold.

As thoughts raced through my mind about all the situations I was dealing with and soon the thoughts turned to thoughts of all the good times that had happened in my life. My life was literally racing through my mind. Was this the end, was I dying? I felt warmth come upon me and I opened my eyes and I noticed a bright light peering through the tree top shining on me. A strong authoritative but comforting voice spoke, “Son, I know you are lost right now but I promise you, I will help you find your way”. I woke up and I was on my knees on the floor in the middle of my living room. I was completely sober and I knew a miracle had happened. It was the voice of my Savior.

I called my wife on the phone and explained what happened and I apologized to her and promised to give my life to the Lord. I had no idea what I meant by what I was saying but I believed the voice and I placed my trust in Him. I knew without a doubt that He would show me the way. One day, before I moved back in with my family, I was sitting on my couch and opened the Holy Bible and I feel like God gave me the scripture located in Isaiah 43:1-13.

He called me by name and I am His, He had redeemed me and He has walked with me through the waters of my floods and I was not swept away, and the fires in my life and I was not burned. He has done these things because He loves me. God saved my life that day and since he has saved my family. My entire family now serves in our local church and they all love Jesus. Here is the secret, He loves you too and He will do the same for you because He has called you by name and you are His. Praise God.

There is a great deal more to this story but you will have to wait to get my new book, “A Father’s Love” that will be out before Christmas of this year. Keep on the look-out for details of the release date of my new book. Check-out my home page to this website in order to view the other books that I have available.

What Does It Mean to be Born Again?
What Does It Mean to be Born Again?
By: J.P. Ruiz

Theologians argue the process of a person become born-again. In this Scripture, Jesus explains that a man must be born again in order for him to see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus poses the question, how can a man be born again if he is already old? Surely a man cannot re-enter his mother’s womb and become born again. This issue does not sound confusing to those who are saved and have accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts, but to the world this can become a confusing matter.

Humanity has been raised into a system of "works equal rewards". Society has been taught in order to receive a reward a person must do something (earn it). People believe that if they do good deeds, surely God will save them. Everyone has heard or read the Ten Commandments at some point in their lives. People know that they should not steal, cheat, lie, or murder. They compare their lives to the lives of “bad guys”. The bad guys are those who star on TV committing crimes and those who are behind bars in our prisons. In comparison to the “bad guys”, most of us are not so bad. Surely God will allow us into Heaven if we were to die today, or will He?

Society provides these “good” people with rewards and trophies. Shiny objects they can hang on their walls to prove they are good people. The Scriptures reveals there is only one way for a person to see the kingdom of heaven and that is becoming born again. The great thing is, there is no amount of work a person can do to get them there, a person must “declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). This is the requirement for becoming born again. There are no rituals you have to do, no money you have to pay the church, and there is no contract you have to sign.

In John 3:16 it states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Jesus has done all the work, He came to earth and was spat upon, beaten, cursed at, and was crucified for the sins of all the world. He died and rose from the dead on the third day. He completed all of the requirements in order for us to be saved. When we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and we believe in our hearts that he died for our sins and rose on the third day, we become new creations in Christ Jesus.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here” (2 Cor. 5:17). This is the basis to the term “born again”. When a person becomes born again he/she becomes a new creation in Christ, this means that all of those things that the devil tries to use against you have fallen away and are gone, never to be remembered again. The only person that can bring them back is you. God does not hold those things against you, when you are forgiven – you are forgiven forever. You have become born again. You have become Holy in the sight of God. He does not see you anymore, He sees His Son Jesus Christ in you.

As a born again Christian, you have become a glorious work of art. As it states in Jer. 29:11-13, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you are no longer seen as the world may define you. You are born again; you have inherited the promises of God for your life. God's plans for your life are plans of abundance and not lack. His plans for you are those of prosperity and not of harm. His plans include hope for a great future and He promises to listen every time you speak to Him. He promises that when you seek Him you will always find Him because He will already be with you and in you.

You are the Lord’s priority and the Kingdom He has built, has been built for you. His goal is for everyone to come to know Him and His hopes are that all will be born again. The God we serve is a God of Love, He is not a dictator, and in fact, He does not want you to have to wait until you die to experience Heaven. This is why He has sent you a helper, a counselor, a healer, and a friend to you, He is the Holy Spirit. It is possible to have Heaven on earth and all of God’s promises for your life will certainly provide you with more than a taste of the Kingdom.

Jesus loves you and He would have died on the cross if you were the only one that needed saving. He loves you so much that he took on all of pain, suffering, infirmities, rejection, failures, and all of your sins at the cross. You are going to face trials and tribulations in this life, but remember Jesus has already overcome the world for you. Cast them away in the name of Jesus once and for all.

If you die today are you sure you will go to Heaven?

Johnny Smith - Tue, 20th August, 2013

Thank you for your blog. I think you have written the essence of the gospel in just a few paragraphs. Great read! God Bless

What is Worship?
What Does It Mean To Worship
By: J.P. Ruiz

What does it mean to worship? The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word “worship” as: 1. a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object. b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed: a chapel where worship is held daily. 2. Ardent admiration or love; adoration: the worship of celebrities. You hear the word worship and you automatically picture a group of followers bowing down and honoring their king. Worship is an action that we do in order to show honor but most importantly to show love for a deity, in my case that would be my Heavenly Father the Creator of Heaven and earth.

A great deal of people believe that worship consists of music and it is what you do when the church choir is singing or the worship band is playing before the preacher gets up to give his sermon. While this is true, the one thing I do know is that worship is not just a ritual or an act that is performed in order to “do” church correctly. Worship in many religions is one-sided but this is not true when it comes to Christianity. This is the special time in which a person speaks to God and then listens and God speaks back. My pastor, Robert Richarz, described this as the action of worship is activated by God and He takes his “lasso” and throws it down to you and wraps it around you and makes a direct connection. It is a two-way connection. He gives to you and you give to Him, though He usually gives more as we usually need more.

We enjoy taking this time to give God the glory for all that He has done, is doing, and will do for us in our lives. We thank Jesus for loving us so much that He took us out of the darkness and purchased us by the price that He paid on the cross for our sins. Worship is an amazing time when we get to talk to our Lord and Savior, not necessarily providing Him with a grocery list of prayers we need answered, but a time where we get to climb on our Father’s lap and wrap our arms around His neck. He picks us up and in turn wraps His arms of love around us. This is the time where Jesus takes all that is hurting us and heals our wounds, He takes our troubles and makes them His, He takes our loneliness and our sadness and replaces it with peace and joy that can only come from Him. People get it wrong, they believe worship is a time to bow down to our King, who is there to take what we have to offer and bask in His own glory. In truth, we get to bask in His glory. Our God is not a dictator and we are His children which He treasures and loves.

In Matthew 2:2 it states, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” The Magi had come to worship their King who had just been born to a virgin. They did not come to worship a King who demanded to be idolized, this was a King who had stepped out of His throne and came down to earth to live as a man among thieves, prostitutes, and tax collectors knowing He would be betrayed and would be crucified for the sins of the world to die on a cross like a criminal. What kind of King would do that for His people? Jesus.

Worship is so much more than just getting on your knees and bowing down or raising your hands and shouting with great joy. True worship is the manner in which we live our lives. We worship Him every time we walk in love, integrity, and in His truth. We worship Him every time we do something that imitates His heart. When we rescue orphans, when we feed the hungry, when we clothe the naked, and when we meet the need of those who are in need.

In Matthew 25:35 Jesus states, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Then they ask Him, when were you all of these things and He answer them saying, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40).

When our hearts become His heart, when we care about those He cares about, when we cry for those He cries for, when we love those that He loves, then my brothers and sisters, we have entered into true worship. This is where we will begin to see miracles, not only for those that we pray for, but we will see them in our lives as well. For we are His living testimonies and we are what people look at in order to see what Christianity is all about, when this happens all they should be able to see is Jesus.

Worship is the manner in which we express our love to our Heavenly Father. We do it through prayer, through songs, and symbolic actions such as getting on our knees or bowing down to our King. The way we live our lives is the best way in which we can display our worship to the Lord. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1).

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