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The dynamic duo of Sant & Lang has struck again. Trestle Press presents:

Severed - Volume 2 - Myths and Legends


Our aim with this series is simple: provide some zombie entertainment in a (hopefull) new way.

With In The Beginning..., we set the stage for a personal, character-driven story on a global backdrop. In
Myths and Legends, we give more details on the origin of the epidemic and introduce some new characters.

There is a phenomenon and subculture growing in the US, possibly globally. Ordinary people are donning
masks and capes to patrol their cities and neighborhoods. They are called real-life superheroes.

Check out these links to get an idea of how it is spreading: Super (movie), Superheroes (documentary), Team Justice (website)

Darren and I wondered what these unique individuals might be like after surviving a zombie apocalypse. Would they continue their fabricated, yet inspired, life? Would they cower and hide?

You can read our take in Myths and Legends, available now for a mere $0.99.

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