Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hi fellow writers:

My journey into the world of writing began in 1983 in college. My major was law enforcement and I needed a five credit elective. The creative writing course said there were no books to buy and no exams, just show up and get a 'C'. That sounded perfect for me because I had zero interest in writing.

The class was the most life changing event in my life back then. It was as if I had always seen the world in B & W and suddenly, I saw the world in color. I wrote poetry until 2002 and switched to writing stories until 2010.

I took that year off, having written almost 1,000 pages of ghost stories.

As a distraction I wrote a 5 page western romance story, and each year I added 10 pages to it, until it was 50 pages in length.

My 2011 New Years resolution was to add 10 more pages to that story, but that month I wrote 200 and my first book was born.

Did I think I had it in me to write a second book? No way.

But since 2011, I have written a total of 29 western frontier eBooks.

Compared to that first book, I have become better and better.

Success has eluded me but it doesn't mean a thing to me $$$$$ wise.

I will continue to write and try to write that one book that breaks through the barrier.

I wish you all success in 2018.

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