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Just as homes have straight forward stories to tell about people’s behavior and the sort of environment they grew up, the same way our personal appearance says much about us. In the first place, why is it necessary to be clean, neat and be modest in clothing? Being naturally clean person and hygienic conscious conclude that you have self-respect.

There are certain important things we need to do daily in our lives that can’t be ignored. Even though due to poverty, health and other life problems, many have lost the control and ability to take proper care of themselves. It is very common and part of our everyday life to see ladies and gentlemen in town and offices, but they dress very shabby. Some of the dressings are so bad that you may wonder if they have mirrors at home.

Others put on the most magnificent perfume to add program to their personalities, but by chance if some of these glamorous workers invite you to their homes, you may not like to go to the house again if given second invitation, because of the the poor organization and filth in the house.

If you take a wider view of things, you can discover that dating and friendships seem to be disappointments. Many are hurt or recovering from love affair disasters. Why must my date end in this way? This is one of the questions that usually follow. Many times it may be differences of opinions, careers and misunderstandings but at times it may turn out to be that the partners don’t like something about each other, especially about his or her home, body or clothes.


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