Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Live Advent Journal: Day 22.
'Humanity: The Renaissance Mind'.
Prose & Art: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn
Copyright: Labour of love works. x
Wishing the community a wonderful holiday season. x
Peace, hope, humanitarian healing and harmony are my universal Christian virtues for 2021.
As we all know as fellow authors & artists, the seasonal period is extremely challenging. Most mortals are resting, yet there is no rest for the consciously creative mind! Via virtue of our profession, the seasonal period demands that we work on promotion of our catalogue & prime new releases- our magnum opus beckons… My #ConsciousCreativity project focussed on the plight of fellow health disabled authors & artists, who like myself may be experiencing troubled times. Here in the United Kingdom, we continue our plaintive, collective plight against Coronavirus.
In this post I am releasing details of my new book: Humanity- Renaissance Mind, Selfish Soul’. #FibonacciSeries. I have also updated my release from Christmas 2017-18:
‘Spiritual Iconography- Existential Masters’.
Supporting Fellow Author: Whitley Strieber.
* I am of course supporting a fantastic fellow author & spiritual lightworker, Whitley Strieber. His catalogue of published works is sublime. His podcasts and homepage Unknown Country offers listeners a window on the world not only of the supernatural, but the divine, conscious and paranormal. Whitley Strieber is a diligent author and researcher.
'Jesus: A New Vision' will be his new released work, due for Kindle publication at the inception of 2021...
Cover image for Stephanie's Humanity: The Renaissance Mind.
Humanity- The Renaissance Mind, Selfish Soul’.
By: Author & energy artist:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
-Fibonacci Series. Preface: Thank you to my dear friend: Gaynor Doré.
Humanity- The Renaissance Mind' comprises an illustrated progressive etude on human progress. The multimodal text is urging for a Renaissance in science & conscious creativity. The anthology collection by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, explores the rich epistemological lineage of natural philosophy, natural religion and humanitarian thought. Homage is paid to ‘Enlightened masters’ Da Vinci, Vitruvius Pollio & Sir Isaac Newton, to highlight the relevance of their work to contemporary culture & space sciences, (including space architecture). The first two chapters emerge as a fractal tapestry, unfolding Gaia’s polemic. The soul of our ailing Earth forms a mirror on the pain for humanity.
The text progresses from science fictional allegory to science fact, embracing the vision of Princeton Professor Gerard O’Neill’s ‘High Frontier’. O’Neill’s & his Space Studies Institute were founded to support the concept of human orbital space settlements and space-based solar power. The author re-sculpts O’Neill’s original designs, employing the notion of the ideal ‘canon of proportion’ wisely, proposing a more sustainable interconnected matrix space habitat. Stephanie Lynne’s concept has been catalysed by Arthur C. Clarke’s fascination with ‘the colours of infinity’, i.e. fractal mathematics (the Mandelbrot set). Bolshoi meditations & details of the #ConsciousCreativity project supporting fellow health disabled author & artists conclude the text.
Copyright: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, Culture webs, 2020.
Kindle: 'Humanity: The Renaissance Mind, Selfish Soul.'
Spiritual Iconography cover image. (Egyptology.) S.L. Thorburn.
'Spiritual Iconography: Existentialist Masters'.
By Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Precis Overview:
Welcome to the Existentialist Masters Collection of Gaia Earth iconography. Authored as a sincere labour of love work, author & artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn has captured a selection of existential portraits representing Mother Earth’s finest hours. A ‘four seasons’ succinct collection of ecologically resonant vignettes. This short etude is in support of the author’s own spirit art and natural, organic affinity with conservation.
The prose element to this title encapsulates a tantalising overview of forthcoming title: “Existentialist Exoscience”- from the seminal Fibonacci Series. This work harmonises the previously juxtaposed domains of spirituality & existentialism holistically. Existentialism as we shall see, presents humanity with ultimate sanctum- the sanctum of surrender and acknowledgement of our most fundamental fears; mortality, social anomie, sentience and abandon, entropy and chaos are all inherent themes.
Appeasement is found in homage to Gaia- offering the disenfranchised human heart a conduit towards re-connection with natural law. This work lovingly opens out a constructive dialectical 'conversation' with Mother Earth through the omnipotence of spiritual semiotics. A nuanced collection, integrating iconic art & poetic prose.
Gifted to bohemian free spirits!
'Labour of love' art title- Copyright 2017.
'Spiritual Iconography': Stephanie Lynne. Kindle edition.
From Stephanie Lynne's work 'Vraisemblance: Intelligent Design,' dedicated to Whitley Strieber.
#ThoughtMatrix Series. 2015.
Whitley Strieber: *Recommended:
New Kindle release January 15th 2021, (this work will be released in multi-modal formats during the course of the New Year.
Whitley Strieber: 'Jesus- A New Vision'.
Whitley’s deconstructionist vignette on the life, legacy and cultural context of the life of Christ is unerringly reminiscent of my own work; ‘Lapis Lazuli- resurrecting Christ’s Gospel’. Researching this topic demands tremendous due diligence and incisive skills of epistemological discernment…
Lotus flower of life. Christ's passion. By: S.L. Thorburn.
Courtesy of Walker & Collier Inc.
"Jesus: A New Vision is a completely new look at the life of Jesus, what happened after his crucifixion and how his story completely overturned the old pagan religion of the Roman empire and altered history. It draws on the latest archaeology and scientific research to develop a new vision that neither asserts his divinity nor dismisses him as a secular phenomenon, but rather looks at his humanity—and ours--in an entirely new way."
Kindle link:
'Jesus: A New Vision'. Kindle edition 2021.
Publication independently published via Whitley's Walker & Collier Inc.
NB: Images in this journal are by Stephanie Lynne; the cover design to Whitley's new journal is accessible via Kindle, works copyright Walker & Collier.
Buddhist principle of the union of opposites, yin & yang...S.L. Thorburn. x
Featured spiritual fellowship:
Sobornost UK. Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius.
Dedicated to the welfare of the spiritual community, fostering dialogue between Christians from the east & west.
Namaste, December 2020. x
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