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Images & Prose Copyright S.L. Thorburn. 

Created with the goodness of the heart. x



"I Mother", (of Creation): Divine Kriya Swan.

By: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.

Each month I will post a defining portrait of Mother Earth to community blogs.  Ultimately I intend to assimilate my image work into a practical collection comprising stationary, gift wrap and portraits of nature, (printable as required to save wastage). 

Having recently launched Gaea Earth webs and Humanitarian Healing web, I will be undertaking plenty of outreach work to support the humility of Gaia's biodiversity.  The stark beauty of Earth is in decline- my Gaia Meditations image collections promote a discerning engagement with the galvanising consciousness of our Mother Earth. 

Images & prose in this post relate to the ethos of my recent Kindle title:

:See  Spiritual Iconography- Existential Masters.



Pride & Pain.

The Swan is a pivotal symbol representing the concept of a supremely enlightened being in Sanskrit Hindu cultures.  The swan is a icon of the 'Paramahansa'-  a royal swan, represents an emancipated spirit united with the conscious singular mind of divinity.  The swan drifts between dimensions of our corporeal reality as spirit personified in 'matter'.  In Kriya Yoga, the ultimate aim is indeed to join the practitioner with realms of the heavens, liberating the soul.  A self-realised spirit has thus ended the eternity of reincarnations we otherwise face as integral to our personal karmic odyssey.  An ideal- yet the poised beauty of the swan offers a connection to the 'prana' or breath of the mother of creation- Gaia herself; she exists in a fully awakened constant sate of awareness.  Gaia is a tangible conduit of divine spirit.

Darlands- We 'Trust'...

The below collection of images is dedicated to Darlands Wildlife Trust, Woodside Park.  This local charity is in need of support.  The Darlands have fallen into a state of semi-pollution and demise despite being situated in an affluent suburban area of n. London.  The harmonic of the ecosystem is troubled:  thus 'rose lake waters', the local pond has turned into a green mire during the heat-wave.  Yet there remains a remarkably egalitarian hierarchy to the wildlife.   Nature is always permeated with 'great hope'- life force energy is not mutable.

Mother Earth is certainly proud of facets of organic creation within Earth; she is nonetheless expressing her distress.  Pride & pain unify the below meditations. They form 'Elemental Empowerments'.


*August spiritual icon:  Kriya Swan.  The Darlands. 

(*The swan- attributes:  discipline, stamina, grace, beauty.)

x ~ x

NB:  Swans & wild geese are both maternally inclined creatures considered to be potentially enlightened feral souls!

See:  Paramahansa- Etymology, theology.

*The female swan is called a 'pen'- my images of swans, geese, ducks & wild birds per se seeks to narrate the heart & soul of each creature's native story of existence...


The below text forms an overview of my work: -

"Spiritual Iconography- Existentialist Masters".

~ # ~

"Welcome to the Existentialist Masters Collection of Gaia Earth iconography.

Authored as a sincere labour of love work, author & artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn has captured a selection of existential portraits representing Mother Earth’s finest hours. A ‘four seasons’ succinct collection of ecologically resonant vignettes. This short etude is in support of the author’s own spirit art and natural, organic affinity with conservation.
The prose element to this title encapsulates a tantalising overview of forthcoming title: “Existentialist Exoscience”- from the seminal Fibonacci Series. This work harmonises the previously juxtaposed domains of spirituality & existentialism holistically. Existentialism as we shall see, presents humanity with ultimate sanctum- the sanctum of surrender and acknowledgement of our most fundamental fears; mortality, social anomie, sentience and abandon, entropy and chaos are all inherent themes.

Appeasement is found in homage to Gaia- offering the disenfranchised human heart a conduit towards re-connection with natural law. This work lovingly opens out a constructive dialectical 'conversation' with Mother Earth through the omnipotence of spiritual semiotics. A nuanced collection, integrating iconic art & poetic prose.
Gifted to bohemian free spirits!"

'Labour of love' art title- Copyright 2017.

*Spiritual Iconography- Existential Masters.

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's catalogue of Kindle Fire treats contains many organic vignette works themed on the body, mind & soul of Mother nature:

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: Kindle Titles.

Image of Swan Lake? 

Pollution has marred the innocence of Rose Lake Waters...

Stephanie Lynne.

*Key Links:  Conservation, Local & Global...

Please visit Darlands- Darlands Nature Reserve.

Darlands need support and further funding to sustain the local nature reserve.  Many valuable breeding birds are suffering, with young animals being nurtured by proud, yet troubled adult birds.  The images above offer a Rosetta portrait of their plaintive plight.  Further, some of the eldest trees in the United Kingdom are rooted in the flora of Darlands.


Bodhi Tree Foundation-

Global conservation,

working towards the goals of sustainability, species biodiversity...

- All Stephanie Lynne's work is produced in reciprocity with her nascent: -

'Humanitarian Healing Webs'

'Gaea Earth Webs'.


A women's charity

I would definitely recommend Lupus UK because this trust represents my own hospital

@ St. Thomas, London.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease affecting mainly women.  More diverse treatment options/ diagnostic insights are needed in future.  Lupus patients like myself are at higher risk during pregnancy and also have a higher risk of miscarriage.


'Free the butterfly'-

(exposure to the sun may cause Lupus

sufferers 'butterfly' rash.)


Reiki craft dolls- primal, totally imperfect, yet created with love. 

During a flare of Lupus in the heatwave 2018,

I set about creating craft spirit effigies to enhance the ethos of my nascent healing websites. x

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