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By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee
I've been thinking alot about death, worrying about death, sensing a big, dark cloud of doom nearby. I just couldn't get it out of my mind.
Yesterday, I found out how real all my feelings have been. Skip went to see a cardiologist for the first time. All the medicines he was taking, has been taking for months... have been 'bad' medicines for him. Not only that... he was prescribed a diuretic pill to take daily.
Skip has progressively become more pulled down by those medicines. He looked bad, his pulse began to stay low. He didn't feel well anymore. We couldn't understand 'why?'
Now... we know. It seems like a doctor he went to has prescribed the wrong medicines for him. This is a doctor Skip went to... truthfully, this is a doctor he went to because he didn't have insurance.
We've always had insurance until recent years. No one wants to insure anyone who has a history of cancer. They want to charge so much that it's next to impossible to get it. So, the only solution is to do the best you can with what you got. Evidently... in Skip's case.... it was the 'worse' we could do.
Skip's pulse got down to 29, the doctor couldn't believe he was walking around. All my feelings have been more real than I even knew. Skip was in worse shape than we knew.
Skip was prescribed a medicine that was used thirty years ago... it's not what he should be taking at all. This medicine was prescribed for people who had 'end renal failure'. Not only that, Skip was prescribed a diruretic. When the cardiologist saw it, he remarked that Skip didn't need such a thing.
Now, Skip is going to be alright. His medicines are being corrected, and no more diuretic medicine for him.
I have been sensing death... I've been very afraid. Now, I 'know' everything is going to be all right. I was so afraid for Skip.
You can see more about this at my primary blog called 'The Big, Dark Cloud Of Impending Doom:
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