Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Hi Writers:

One of my deepest regrets as an author is not knowing in 2011 what I know now in 2017.

Foremost how important grammar is to a book worth writing and reading.

How important it is to read your book out loud in a room by yourself.

How important 'Branding your books' is if you write more than one.

How important it is to have a wonderful 'Beta Reader', someone who loves good grammar in what they read.

How important it is to find an outstanding web designer to design your author website.

How important good reviews are to promoting your book. These come from the best book you can write and edit.

How important it is to NOT edit your book 'RIGHT' after you have written it. Waiting a week after it is finished is better, and then to read it at least 5 times more for grammar mistakes.

How important it is to use the free version of to help with grammar mistakes. It catches so much of what I missed on each page. Do not rely on Microsoft Word to catch grammar errors.

How important it is to have a pre-made book format if you write more than one book for simplicities sake.

How important your book cover is.

How important it is to hand out 'Excerpts' of your books to friends, asking for their feedback.

How important it is to know can make hard bound Ambassador books for under $10 for just 1 copy.

How important is to know you can make your own paperback books at home.

How important a beautiful business can help introduce others to your book. 

I have paid a high price success wise not knowing the above things when I wrote my first eBook in 2011.

I would like to believe I have grown to be a much better writer now, though success has eluded me.

I wish you all the best in 2018.

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