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Have you ever been so overwhelmed with a person. When this certain person enter the room. Your heart just light up, like if you bulb has been change. This certain person can sell you dreams and you will spend all your money buying them. Until one day you finally get to the end of the tunnel and realize you never new this certain person... (jus a thawt)

Views: 33

Comment by Kay Elizabeth on October 19, 2010 at 1:30am
I think infatuation is like that, not love. Although love is blind too they say. :) Sometimes we are dazzled by a superficial brightness that doesn't stand up to closer inspection, We see it fizzling out gradually the longer we look at it. People can be like sparklers on Bonfire Night - all that's left behind is the afterglow in the dark and the chance of being burned if you get too close.

Don't ask me where that little thought sprung from LOL. My mind works in mysterious ways. :)


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