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Another set of student essays. This time, on Integrity:
Stella –
I think integrity is practicing you hardest and doing the moves the correct way. It is about not fighting with or being mean to my brother even if mommy and daddy are not watching.
It is also about doing what the teacher says, like standing quietly in line when the teacher is helping someone else.
Helping others when you say you are going to help is also a way to show integrity.
I think mostly, it is trying your best, working hard, having fun to get better and learn more about karate.
Noelle -
What is integrity? Well, the definition of integrity is basically honesty and knowing what’s the right thing to do. Integrity is when you are honest to someone. Integrity is a good attribute to look for in a friend.
You can use integrity wherever you go – school, outside, at home, or even in the small, unimportant place. Integrity is a key characteristic that you should look for in people. If you see honesty shining out of someone’s personality, you know that they have great integrity quality.
At school, integrity is seen all over. If someone forgot to do their assignment and is afraid to tell the teacher when she asks if the assignment was completed by everyone, integrity is being honest and admitting to it.
If, at a friend’s house, I am called to come home because I didn’t clean my room like I was supposed to, integrity is doing the right thing honestly by telling your friend that you need to leave and why and not making an excuse.
Integrity is being honest and always doing what your heart tells you to do. It’s telling the truth even if you don’t feel like it instead of lying. Integrity is showing people that you are trustworthy. There are many examples of integrity all around in your life. You just need to look for them.
Elijah -
The definition of integrity is: being honest or having strong moral principles. Integrity is a good thing to look for in a friend.
If I want to go to a friend’s house, but I have to clean my room, I don’t lie, I clean my room. In the same way, if you ant good grades, you do your homework. You don’t just lie and say, “No, I don’t have any homework.” You do you homework.
If my instructors ask me if we practiced our form, but we didn’t we don’t say we did, we tell the truth and say we didn’t.
Integrity is shown all around you. If you don’t tell the truth, the consequences are greater than they would have been if you would have told the truth.
Madison -
I love doing the right thing. At school, I pick up paper towels off the ground. AT home, I play with my sister and use kind words. At swim practice I share the lane and let others in front of me unless they’re scared.
Amber -
The meaning of integrity is being honest and having fairness to others and share with your friends and also show people your courage and strength no matter what you’re going through. Be honest if someone asks you something, do tell the truth. Always return things if you find them. Don’t keep it. Show strength and courage no matter what situation you’re going through.
Saleena -
Integrity is about sharing with others and being fair to your friends and taking turns and honor the things you do at home or with your family and teachers. Integrity is about being honest about things, being trustworthy to other people.
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